Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Decade of Division in Parody (2010-2019)

The past ten years have been an event-filled decade, hasn't it? The following are ten parodies that I have selected that represent the just completed decade. Click on the links to watch the parodies. If you can't watch them all, I would recommend #1, #8 and #10, the start, the middle and the end of this turbulent decade. 

1. The Tea Party Movement topped the decade in response to the ballooning National Debt and government-expanding Obamacare. The GOP took back the House as a result. But they proved they were impotent and feckless.
Throw the Bums Out- https://youtu.be/Q59ZcFguUOo

2. Global warming was all the rage fueled by conjured up statistics and empty rhetoric off and on during the decade ending with the New Green Deal going nowhere.

3. Barack Obama, the mega corporations and some in both parties looked the other way when illegal aliens flooded into the country. Both the illegal aliens and our government under Obama ignored immigration laws. That is until Mr. Trump trumpeted a new song, #BuildTheWall.

4. Illegals, dead people, and voters who voted more than once swelled the Democrat vote totals. The Democratic Party fought any attempt to require voter identification, which made it easy for voter fraud to increase.
Grandpa Voted Democrat - https://youtu.be/WUEqh07E4dY

5. Same-sex “marriage” was blessed by the not so Supreme Court in another of their judicial activism, their unjust, unconstitutional tyrannical  rulings. That ruling fit with the Leftist agenda and gave Mr. Obama a major plank of his plan to fundamentally change America (into a Marxist state).
“Come on Down to the Farm”https://youtu.be/7agvKbA6Pls

6. The Democrats and Mr. Obama did everything they could to insure that government healthcare would happen. Lies and manipulation was justified to achieve the desired results.
If You Like Your Plan https://youtu.be/Fawv4vt5ZPI

7.  Was Hillary Clinton going to complete the fundamental transformation (destruction) that Mr. Obama started?  Was she going to serve as Obama 3.0? The entire Left thought so. But they ran into a big roadblock, We the People and a bigger than life personality.
Big Bad Don - The Ballad Of Donald Trump - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALGkQq3RJ7k&t=91s

8. Probably what characterized the decade most was the successful sabotage of our colleges and universities by the Marxist elite. Through their tireless efforts they created generations of young people indoctrinated in Secular-Humanist religion and Marxist philosophy. We were graduating useful idiots. Feminism ruled the day. Masculinity was no longer in play.

9. For three years, ever since her election loss, Mrs. Clinton has been blaming others incessantly for the unexpected outcome.
The Wreck of the Hillary Clinton - Gordon Lightfoot parody https://youtu.be/SDNYYMK29AU

10. The Democrats and their allies the #FakeNews media, academia, the Washington Swamp, Hollywood, Corporate America, #NeverTrumpers, Liberal Churches have been working to reverse the election results. They have been collectively doing all they could to subvert everything Mr. Trump has attempted to do to Make America Great Again (MAGA). They refuse to give him credit for anything.
The Day Collusion Died - Parody of American Pie | Don Caron - https://youtu.be/Eqn3iI_h1vg  
The Mueller Investigation was a nothing burger as the decade comes to a close, we are smack dab in the middle of a completely partisan political impeachment process. The Marxist influencers have succeeding in dividing this nation. We seem to be on the brink of civil war or at least civil unrest. That is just what they are fomenting. God help us if we ever get another Democrat (Marxist) president. Venezuela, here we come.

The Next Decade, Revision & Vision (2020-2029)

What does the new decade hold? Hope and change of the right kind. A nation that wakes up, a Justice Department that indicts those who attempted to overthrow this president and whose crimes and misdeeds have been covered up. Maybe some of the corruption will be finally exposed. 

We the People need Mr. Trump to remain in office to really finish the draining of the Swamp, to strengthen our military, to create an environment that fosters a return to the ideals of our Founding Fathers, including a respect for human life, traditional marriage, shrinking of the federal government, restoration of a federal judiciary that honors not destroys the U.S. Constitution to name a few of the ideals.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Family in 2020

In response to this post on a political site on Facebook, which I visit at times:
“…families come in all shape and sizes...We have evolved way past the Nuclear family into ones of love and support age of the guardians.
I wrote:

No, we are DEVOLVING as a culture away from the natural, normal, nuclear family and that is dangerous and that is destructive for a society.

The most common, the most ideal and the most optimal family structure is the natural family. The natural family ideal consists of a born-biological man (male) who is married to a born-biological woman (female). The result of such union is the production of another unique human being, their offspring. It is called procreation. That is how a society maintains itself. Most important, the natural family is the optimal environment in which to nurture a child.

Other family structures including a single-parent household are less optimal. With much effort, though, a child can be nurtured and grow normally and healthily in such an environment. Ideally, every child benefits most when both a married and male (father) and a married female (mother) contribute uniquely to the life of the child.

Foster care and adoptive family situation can work. But again, if a born-biological male (father) and a born-biological female (mother) are present and the couple is married. This provides nurture and gives stability to the child.

Unmarried born-biological males and born-biological females couples who live together are less ideal because they may be less committed and often it offers a less stable environment than a married couple would usually provide.

Some children are placed in group homes and orphanages these are sub-optimal living environments.

Same-sex households of any kind are not a proper environment for natural, normal, sociological development of children. Again, the child benefits from unique male and female influences.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Chick-fil-A Has Lost Its Way

(Mansfield, Ohio) It was not too long-ago that Christians and conservatives were eager t ee a Chick-fil-A (CFA) franchise come to town. CFA has been bringing their red mobile food truck to Mansfield weekly for several months. They are in Mansfield from 11:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Fridays. Christians and conservatives thought the third leading fast food restaurant chain in the nation was committed to traditional and biblical values and principles. They believed that the stand Dan Cathy made in 2012 in the face of opposition from the LGBT mafia regarding same sex “marriage” was solid.  
With recent revelations, however, Chick-fil-A, at least on the corporate leadership level, was not who they once were or who they appeared to be all these years. Several weeks ago, Chick-fil-A announced that they would discontinue supporting such stalwart charities as the Salvation Army, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the Paul Anderson Youth Home. Apparently, they reached the end of their pledge commitment to those organizations and would not renew their commitment. 

CFA publicly declared a new direction regarding its giving. It turns out that they now and have been supporting pro-abortion organizations such as the YWCA and the Pace Center for Girls, the pro-LGBT Covenant House International and even the controversial and disgraced Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). They did this to placate the powers that control such leftist strongholds as the nation of Canada and some major leftist-controlled cities and airports such as San Antonio, Texas where they were prohibited from entering because of the past declarations of support for traditional marriage. Their position must have changed with the combination of their desire to further expand their market presence, placating the LGBT advocates and allies, and the horrendous Obergefell v Hodges Supreme Court decision approving and “legalizing” same sex “marriage.”  

I think many people still do not know that Chick-fil-A has changed its corporate giving philosophy and its stand for righteousness when it comes to its charitable giving. For a supposedly Christian organization to deliberately turn its back on charities who have taken a principled position on critical social issues and support organizations that adhere to anti-biblical, immoral positions, is condemnable. They have the right to manage their organization anyway that they choose. However, the public should also have the right to know where the business stands and make an informed decisions as to whether to continue to support that organization with its dollars knowing that some of its profits will go to anti-Christian and God-dishonoring purposes.

Therefore, I decided this Friday that I would begin to protest Chick-fil-A’s presence in Mansfield on Fridays. I would encourage other likeminded citizens to do the same. I plan to be there at the large parking lot entrance (near the northeast corner of Millsboro and Lexington-Springmill) next Friday from 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm and maybe until CFA gets the message. Join me if you think the same way and have the same concerns.

Sunday, December 08, 2019

A Shroud of Darkness Now Covers Chick-fil-A (CFA)

(MANSFIELD, OHIO) For several months before the revelation of CFA’s stealth double-minded support of ungodly, unwholesome charities, CFA was invited to bring their business to Ohio. Many Christians and conservative supporter and even Pastors wanted to bring such a principled (we thought) organization to town.
Chick-fil-A in the Dark


However, it has been revealed by a multitude of sources that CFA has been stealthily double-minded in support of ungodly, unwholesome charities. Will they continue to bring their chicken to town? Will the community still want them to come?

The last few weeks we found out a different story. Behind their seemingly the Christian façade, CFA was supporting anti-biblical organizations since maybe 2014. They announced a week or so ago their intent to dump support for Christian charities like the SalvationArmy, the Paul Anderson Youth Home and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. All solid gospel-centered, Christ-honoring, bible-following organizations.  The "crime" that these organizations are guilty of is their support for human life and for biblical and biological man-woman marriage.  These positions are anathema and totally unacceptable to the LGBT advocates and their allies.


CFA leadership has annonced their intent to serve mammon (money) over ministries. Apparently, they want to be welcome in lucrative and liberal metropolitan airports in the South (San Antonio) and out West. They want to be welcomed in sodomy-friendly Canada. So, corporate leadership under Dan Cathy, son of the founder, and Chairman of the Board, they essentially threw Jesus under the bus in favor of promoting a more LGBT and abortion friendly persona.

One article title I recently saw summarized the current state of affairs, Chick-fil-A’s New Marketing Strategy: Let’s Make Everybody Hate Us! That says it all. They have alienated many of their former defenders and supporters, Christians and conservatives, who wanted to support a principled organization. However, CFA will continue to be bullied by Leftist LGBT lobby advocates, who will settle for nothing less from CFA and all major corporations than full capitulation to all their demands and maybe even the renunciation of Jesus Christ.

You cannot serve two masters. CFA apparently has chose NOT to serve God. That leave only money, Satan and the world.


Let us hope that Chick-fil-A will turn from taking the broad way and stick to the narrow path that their founder Truett Cathy had set them on before he died.

Monday, December 02, 2019

It's Imperative: Keep the Ohio Supreme Court Conservative in 2020

(Mansfield, Ohio) The Richland County Republican Party held its regular 1st Monday Luncheon today with Ohio Supreme Court Justice Judith French as its featured speaker.

Justice French, is one of the conservative members of the current Ohio Supreme Court. In 2020 she and Justice Sharon Kennedy, the other conservative justice on the Ohio Supreme Court will both be running for re-election.

In response to a question from the audience Justice French briefly discussed the case in which she won as an attorney working for the State of Ohio before the U.S. Supreme Court.  The case involved the Cleveland School Voucher Program, which allowed kids attending failed Cleveland Schools to attend private schools including parochial schools. Apparently the program was allowed to continue.  

"Judge Judi" mentioned the need for both fundraising and with friend-raising.  Using social media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. – to get the word out about electing conservative justices for the Ohio Supreme Court would be of great help in reelecting both Justices’ Judi French and Sharon Kennedy.

She also urged members of the audience not to sit out the next election and to do all they can to help to retain herself and fellow—conservative Justice Sharon Kennedy in the November 2020 General Election.

She offered a suggestion– the acrostic – KFC – for remembering for whom to vote for in the November 2020 for the Ohio Supreme Court:

            SHARON KENNEDY
               JUDITH FRENCH

Tragically, in 2016 two liberal justices replaced two conservative judges on the Ohio Supreme Court. It was mostly out of ignorance and maybe out of insufficient financial support for the candidate by the GOP. Ohio Supreme Court elections outcomes are often due primarily to name recognition and not so much to judicial philosophy. The party affiliations are not noted on the ballot.  

In Morrow County, a conservative-voting county, the two liberal Democrats won more votes than did the conservative justices on the ballot. This is a big deal. If two more liberal or leftist justices are elected in 2020 the to the Ohio Supreme Court it could be lost to the leftists and it would have tremendous repercussions for religious liberty, the right to life issue, and more.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

When Equality is Inequality, That IS the Act

Heritage Foundation Picture 


The Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives have not done very much good for our country this year. More than ever they have shown themselves to be the party of death, disorder, deconstruction, demons and depravity.

Among the worst of their “accomplishments” in 2019 include the on-going Rep. Adam Schiff led Sham of an impeachment investigation, in which he and his Democrat colleagues are doing all they can to destroy Mr. Trump’s presidency. 

However, even worse if that is possible, the Democrat-controlled House passed the so-called, misnamed, unnecessary and thoroughly divisive Equality Act (H.R. 5).


The New American Magazine in their November 18, 2019 edition on page 27-28 had a great summary of the Equality Act in their Freedom Index feature, which tracks the votes of U.S. House Representatives on key votes. In concluding their comments on the Equality Act the said, "We assigned plus to the nays (votes) because (the Act) would cause HARM to heterosexual children and adult, as well as THREATEN religious freedom and the right of association."

My Representative, Troy Balderson (R-OH12), voted against this malicious bill. 

Here are the rest of the comments made in the summary assessment of H.R. 5, it “would expand the definition of protected classes in federal law to include “sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI).

“Regarding (gender identity) the Equality Act explicitly states that “an individual shall not be denied access to a shared facility, including a restroom, a locker room, and a dressing room, that is in accordance with the individual’s gender identity.” That is, males, who identify as female would be able to use the public restrooms, locker rooms, and dressing rooms of the opposite sex – or vice versa.

“Moreover, the bill not only fails to include religious exceptions (e.g. allowing a church adoption agency to refuse placing children with homosexual couples), but explicitly states that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 cannot be used as a defense against the Bill’s application.

“The House passed the Equality Act in May 17, 2019 by a vote of 231-173 …”


If this horrific bill is ever passed by the U.S. Senate and signed by a future Democratic Socialist president (God forbid) that will be the nail in the coffin of religious liberty in this nation. It will also be a major step toward accomplishing former President Obama’s fundamental transformation of Christian America into Communist/Marxist America, the Leftist envisioned secular-humanist utopia …

It will also be a leap in the direction of a global new world order which will annex America into a worldwide “heaven on earth” as defined by future global elites, dictator or anti-Christ.

Thursday, November 28, 2019


There are many things we can be thankful for this Thanksgiving Day. However, there are some things for which I can’t be thankful.

I am not thankful for sin. Adulterers, child molesters, drug addicts, fornicators, homosexuals, lesbians, murderers, porn addicted, sex-traffickers, swindlers, transvestites, wife beaters all of us are sinners and fall short of the glory of God. Yet we all do matter to God.

While we are alive, though, we have an opportunity to turn from our wicked ways and turn our lives around and get right with and to walk with Almighty God through Jesus Christ. I am very thankful for that!

I am not thankful for the growing prominence of the secular-humanist religion in our culture, which has been for some time and is incessantly trying at ever twist and turn to replace and even destroy Christianity and its great past and potential influence on our culture and society.

I am not thankful for the rampant hedonism in our culture today. Pleasing self is not the highest achievement man can obtain. Teaching K-12 school children anything-goes pornographic sex-education is counterproductive to building a fair, moral, wholesome and just society.

I am not thankful for the Leftists' version of tolerance, diversity and multiculturalism, which only tends to divide us as a nation.

But I am thankful I still can live in a nation founded on Christian and biblical principle and values and which has the potential to be renewed and restored. But that must begin individually, one person at a time.

Let it begin with me.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

What the Democratic (Socialist) Party of America Stands For

Occasionally I read an AlterNet article. That website is almost as far left on the political spectrum one could get and still be on this planet. 

I just got done reading, "Here are 11 absurd conspiracy theories conservatives must believe in the Trump era."  The 11 items mentioned in the article are not absurdities, for the most part they can easily be turned into the planks of the Democratic (Socialist) Party's platform

If you add baby-murder (abortion) you would have a pretty comprehensive list of what the Democratic Socialists' core beliefs.

(1.)     Climate Change is Primarily Man-Caused.  [The Green New Deal is based on the speculation that the earth is warming and/or the climate is being altered primarily by man. That America must take the lead in this controlling fossil fuel use or the world will be irrevocably harmed within mere decades.]

(2.)     The Mainstream Media is Just Reporting the News Factually. [Actually, the Mainstream Media is the Democratic Socialists’ Public Relations arm. There is heavily biased reporting, under-reporting, nonreporting of any favorable stories of President Trump, Traditional Values, etc.]

(3.)     Election and Voter Fraud Do Not Exist. [The Democratic Socialists and its allies insist that voter identification laws, which is one way to prevent fraud, must be rejected.]

(4.)          Keep Borders Open.  [The Democratic Socialist Party of America and activist judges have done everything possible to thwart President Trump and his administration’s fund and implement security measures on our porous southern border. Drug, human and sex traffickers, terrorists, criminals are embedded among those individuals entering illegally.]  

(5.)     The Fundamental Transformation into Socialism (Communism) Must Continue. Barack Obama was neither a Muslim nor a Marxist.  [However, President Obama tried to fundamentally transform America into a socialist state and to stamp out all vestiges of Christianity and its influence on American society.]

Democrats Remove God From Party Platform :: Jimmy Z - YouTube

(6.)     The "Deep State" Does Not Exist.  [The embedded Leftists, anti-Trumpers, and Obama appointed civil servants, including Muslim Brotherhood subversives have tried and continue to undermine the policies and programs of the President and preserve the radical policies of the former administration.]

(7.)     The LGBT Agenda Must Be an Integral Part of Public Education. [This deliberate corruptive comprehensive and pornographic sex education is a mainstay of the Leftist agenda for our public schools.]  

(8.)    The middle class and the lower class are suffering under President Trump’s administration. [The tax cuts championed and approved by President Trump helped both the middle class and the economy. Manufacturing jobs have increased. Minorities have seen an increase in jobs.]

(9.)     Guns Must be Confiscated. [Guns are not the cause of the problem, bad guys with guns are the problem.]  

(10.)  Green Energy.  [The Democratic Socialists of America want to control all energy use. Fossil fuel use needs to be eliminated immediately, even if it means job loss, destroying industries, and impoverishing average Americans.]

(11.)  America is a Racist Country.  [The claim of racism must be perpetuated, even where it does not exist. This is necessary in order to control minorities and retain their loyalty. The police bear the brunt of these false claims.]

(12.)  It’s Not a Baby.  [Abortion is the high sacrament of the Democratic Socialists. This baby-murder must be protected at all costs, even though many see it as a violation of the fundamental right to life and liberty.] 

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Pro-Life, Abolition or Something More

I have not been involved the anti-baby-murder movement very long. Like too many others, I was pretty much a bystander until David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt with the Center for Medical Progress exposed Planned Parenthood's aborted baby body parts wholesale operation in 2015 through a series of explosive videos. I have been standing outside the local abortion referral facility and participating in several anti-abortion events and protests since then.

I have observed a difference between the pro-life advocates and abolitionists approachesto ending baby-murder. I have wanted to put my thoughts down in writing for some time. Here is how I see the movements attempting to put an end to the atrocity, the holocaust called abortion.

The video below of an upcoming movie documentary has caused me to reflect seriously on this critical issue of baby killing in our present culture.


Does everyone agree that the goal is to end all abortion in America?


If so, do we settle for continuing to incrementally regulate the killing of babies saving some (Pro-Life)? Or do we insist that America completely #AbolishAbortion saving none until we see an end to all abortion (Abolition)?


Is it either Pro-Life or Abolition, or can it be both, all the above?

How do completely abolish abortion in our present environment with little or no strong, active, aggressive legislative, judicial or even church leadership or support?


Is unity a possible solution or a major component or step toward achieving an end to abortion?

Can someone unify both the genuine pro-life warriors and the adamant abolitionist for the good of all the pre-born human beings? Who can unify or jump start a true a save-the-human-baby movement?


Prayer is part  the solution. Are we praying? What is our prayer? How are we praying? When are we praying, only during spring and fall 40 Days for Life campaigns or during the annual March for Life event? 

Are we praying effectively and earnestly enough (James 5:16)? Are we praying persistently enough (Luke 18:3)? Are we paying unceasingly (1 Thessalonians 5:17)?

Obviously not, abortion is still widespread and there is disunity in the ranks of the movements!


How do we protest? Mercifully or lovingly with not wanting to offend or hurt the feelings or damage the psyche of the woman seeking abortion information, pills or procedure? Hoping that love will penetrate her cold, dead heart?

Or do we protest truthfully with signs and words that show and tell the gruesome fact that abortion decapitates, dismembers, causes pain and eventually murders an actual living human being made in the image of God? Hoping passers-by will get the message and convert to a abolitionist viewpoint?  As well as hoping that truth will penetrate the cold dead heart of the abortion-minded woman who is either being coerced or who chooses to kill her baby.

The mercy-oriented protestor sees the truth-oriented protestors as cold, cruel, heartless, harmful, hateful, unkind, unloving and merciless and therefore wrong and ineffective.

On the other hand, the truth-oriented protestor sees the mercy-oriented protestor as weak, compromising, cowardly, deceived, fearful, inactive, misguided and therefore wrong and ineffective.

Who’s right?


Meanwhile much of the public, if not ignoring the issue, it sits back and does not know what to make of the absent church which is itself apathetic at best and apostate at worst when it come to the issue of murder of the pre-born human beings.

The public education is skewed toward a pro-abortion, sex without consequences, women’s “reproductive rights” position. So, we wonder why abortion is so popular?

The mainstream media refuses to honestly report both sides of the abortion issue, underreporting any positive save-the-human-baby stories or developments such as the annual March for Life, but glorifying the sketching feminists attending the Women’s March for "Reproductive Rights."

Hollywood glamorizes abortion, and sex without consequences. It mocks fatherhood, motherhood and family.


Why do we keep electing politicians who say they are pro-life, but once elected do next to nothing until they declare their pro-life support again the next election cycle. That cycle has been repeating for 46 years.


Here is what we can do, do all we can and let God use our humble but wholehearted good works.

·         effective, fervent, persistent unceasing and targeted prayer especially for strong leadership to immerge that will unify a save-the-human-baby movement; 

·         educate oneself and one’s community in getting a save-the-human-baby message out by raising awareness by regular presence outside abortion facilities and even churches and government offices; 

·         sacrificial support of worthy organizations and leaders in the save-the-human-baby movement whatever and whoever that may be as a result of your in-depth personal research;

·         identifying proven leaders and political candidates who will truly support the save-the-human-baby movement beyond lip service, then voting for, working to get them re-elected/elected and holding them to the fire, and supporting them financially and prayerfully.
