Friday, December 27, 2019

Chick-fil-A Has Lost Its Way

(Mansfield, Ohio) It was not too long-ago that Christians and conservatives were eager t ee a Chick-fil-A (CFA) franchise come to town. CFA has been bringing their red mobile food truck to Mansfield weekly for several months. They are in Mansfield from 11:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Fridays. Christians and conservatives thought the third leading fast food restaurant chain in the nation was committed to traditional and biblical values and principles. They believed that the stand Dan Cathy made in 2012 in the face of opposition from the LGBT mafia regarding same sex “marriage” was solid.  
With recent revelations, however, Chick-fil-A, at least on the corporate leadership level, was not who they once were or who they appeared to be all these years. Several weeks ago, Chick-fil-A announced that they would discontinue supporting such stalwart charities as the Salvation Army, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the Paul Anderson Youth Home. Apparently, they reached the end of their pledge commitment to those organizations and would not renew their commitment. 

CFA publicly declared a new direction regarding its giving. It turns out that they now and have been supporting pro-abortion organizations such as the YWCA and the Pace Center for Girls, the pro-LGBT Covenant House International and even the controversial and disgraced Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). They did this to placate the powers that control such leftist strongholds as the nation of Canada and some major leftist-controlled cities and airports such as San Antonio, Texas where they were prohibited from entering because of the past declarations of support for traditional marriage. Their position must have changed with the combination of their desire to further expand their market presence, placating the LGBT advocates and allies, and the horrendous Obergefell v Hodges Supreme Court decision approving and “legalizing” same sex “marriage.”  

I think many people still do not know that Chick-fil-A has changed its corporate giving philosophy and its stand for righteousness when it comes to its charitable giving. For a supposedly Christian organization to deliberately turn its back on charities who have taken a principled position on critical social issues and support organizations that adhere to anti-biblical, immoral positions, is condemnable. They have the right to manage their organization anyway that they choose. However, the public should also have the right to know where the business stands and make an informed decisions as to whether to continue to support that organization with its dollars knowing that some of its profits will go to anti-Christian and God-dishonoring purposes.

Therefore, I decided this Friday that I would begin to protest Chick-fil-A’s presence in Mansfield on Fridays. I would encourage other likeminded citizens to do the same. I plan to be there at the large parking lot entrance (near the northeast corner of Millsboro and Lexington-Springmill) next Friday from 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm and maybe until CFA gets the message. Join me if you think the same way and have the same concerns.

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