Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Decade of Division in Parody (2010-2019)

The past ten years have been an event-filled decade, hasn't it? The following are ten parodies that I have selected that represent the just completed decade. Click on the links to watch the parodies. If you can't watch them all, I would recommend #1, #8 and #10, the start, the middle and the end of this turbulent decade. 

1. The Tea Party Movement topped the decade in response to the ballooning National Debt and government-expanding Obamacare. The GOP took back the House as a result. But they proved they were impotent and feckless.
Throw the Bums Out- https://youtu.be/Q59ZcFguUOo

2. Global warming was all the rage fueled by conjured up statistics and empty rhetoric off and on during the decade ending with the New Green Deal going nowhere.

3. Barack Obama, the mega corporations and some in both parties looked the other way when illegal aliens flooded into the country. Both the illegal aliens and our government under Obama ignored immigration laws. That is until Mr. Trump trumpeted a new song, #BuildTheWall.

4. Illegals, dead people, and voters who voted more than once swelled the Democrat vote totals. The Democratic Party fought any attempt to require voter identification, which made it easy for voter fraud to increase.
Grandpa Voted Democrat - https://youtu.be/WUEqh07E4dY

5. Same-sex “marriage” was blessed by the not so Supreme Court in another of their judicial activism, their unjust, unconstitutional tyrannical  rulings. That ruling fit with the Leftist agenda and gave Mr. Obama a major plank of his plan to fundamentally change America (into a Marxist state).
“Come on Down to the Farm”https://youtu.be/7agvKbA6Pls

6. The Democrats and Mr. Obama did everything they could to insure that government healthcare would happen. Lies and manipulation was justified to achieve the desired results.
If You Like Your Plan https://youtu.be/Fawv4vt5ZPI

7.  Was Hillary Clinton going to complete the fundamental transformation (destruction) that Mr. Obama started?  Was she going to serve as Obama 3.0? The entire Left thought so. But they ran into a big roadblock, We the People and a bigger than life personality.
Big Bad Don - The Ballad Of Donald Trump - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALGkQq3RJ7k&t=91s

8. Probably what characterized the decade most was the successful sabotage of our colleges and universities by the Marxist elite. Through their tireless efforts they created generations of young people indoctrinated in Secular-Humanist religion and Marxist philosophy. We were graduating useful idiots. Feminism ruled the day. Masculinity was no longer in play.

9. For three years, ever since her election loss, Mrs. Clinton has been blaming others incessantly for the unexpected outcome.
The Wreck of the Hillary Clinton - Gordon Lightfoot parody https://youtu.be/SDNYYMK29AU

10. The Democrats and their allies the #FakeNews media, academia, the Washington Swamp, Hollywood, Corporate America, #NeverTrumpers, Liberal Churches have been working to reverse the election results. They have been collectively doing all they could to subvert everything Mr. Trump has attempted to do to Make America Great Again (MAGA). They refuse to give him credit for anything.
The Day Collusion Died - Parody of American Pie | Don Caron - https://youtu.be/Eqn3iI_h1vg  
The Mueller Investigation was a nothing burger as the decade comes to a close, we are smack dab in the middle of a completely partisan political impeachment process. The Marxist influencers have succeeding in dividing this nation. We seem to be on the brink of civil war or at least civil unrest. That is just what they are fomenting. God help us if we ever get another Democrat (Marxist) president. Venezuela, here we come.

The Next Decade, Revision & Vision (2020-2029)

What does the new decade hold? Hope and change of the right kind. A nation that wakes up, a Justice Department that indicts those who attempted to overthrow this president and whose crimes and misdeeds have been covered up. Maybe some of the corruption will be finally exposed. 

We the People need Mr. Trump to remain in office to really finish the draining of the Swamp, to strengthen our military, to create an environment that fosters a return to the ideals of our Founding Fathers, including a respect for human life, traditional marriage, shrinking of the federal government, restoration of a federal judiciary that honors not destroys the U.S. Constitution to name a few of the ideals.

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