Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Abortionist Tiller’s “Technical” Trial Ends

late term abortion of baby X

I have been following the attempts to nail the abortionist, George Tiller, for his unethical practices related to his late term abortion business. Phill Kline had investigated him when Kline was Kansas Attorney General. The big guns went after Kline and he was defeated when he ran for re-election, a big part of the reason for his defeat was his tenacity in going after this thug. The abortion industry and its vast financial support for his opponent helped to defeat him. Kline was subsequently elected to a County Prosecutor office where he continued to pursue justice in the Tiller matter. He was met with resistance at every step. Again, Kline was a big target of the abortion-loving left in Kansas and America. See my previous articles for additional background on this case.


Unfortunately for a multitude of yet to be born babies, George “Killer” Tiller, the infamous late-term abortionist in Topeka, KS was acquitted in the trial that began on Monday and lasted all week. Tiller is one of three major late-term abortionists in the country.

Tiller has friends in very high places, such as the current nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services, the extreme pro-death Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius. Sebelius is a very strong supporter Tiller and the whole abortion agenda, as well as a prime political beneficiary of Tiller’s baby bloodstained campaign contributions.

According to an online ChristianPost.com article, “Tiller was on trial this week for having an improper financial relationship with a doctor, Kristin Neuhaus, who provided a second opinion in the 19 late-term abortions performed in 2003.” With the help of activist judges, corrupt prosecutors, and powerful people like Governor Sebelius going to bat for Tiller, more serious charges were dropped earlier.

The law in Kansas requires that two physicians sign-off as to the validity of a late-term abortion. The second physician must be independent. Essential Tiller’s trial was more about the technicality of contract or business law, than it was about the horrific practice of late-term abortions and its associated evils.

I heard Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition in Washington D.C., telling Janet Porter, on her Faith2Action Radio Show, that Tiller may have spent $1.5 -2 million on his nightmarish team of lawyers and jury consultants in a very vigorous defense. Interestingly Tiller’s team had to have 2 tables set up in the courtroom to accommodate all his hired help, while the state had only one table.


Rev. Mahoney also related on the Faith2Action Radio Show on Monday that within one hour after the trial was over and the verdict of 'not guilty' was announced something positive happened. The Kansas Board of Healing Arts, the entity that licenses physicians took the first step toward removing Tiller’s medical license. An investigation of Tiller was opened up in December of 2008. This fact was not known by anyone except Tiller. Mahoney said that his organization has its own investigation under way.

There are 11 charges pending against Tiller with the Board of Healing Arts. They have said that Tiller has acted in an improper and unethical way. They are in the process of investigating this right now.

ChristianPost.com article cited above pointed out that:

"Despite the acquittal, the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts released a statement saying it plans to move forward with a disciplinary petition the board filed against Tiller last December.

“The petition includes 11 allegations, including performing an abortion on a fetus that was viable without having a documented referral from another physician not legally or financially affiliated with him; unprofessional or dishonorable conduct or professional incompetency; and commitment of acts likely to deceive, defraud or harm the public.

If the Board votes that Tiller has violated the code of conduct he may lose his license. In the case of the Board and its process of investigating and ruling on Tiller, it will not be subject to a jury trial. Tiller’s money will be of much less influence, if any, with this body.

The Board may rule on Tiller within two months.


Just as George Tiller basked in is big-bucks bought legal victory, he received news that the Board of Healing Arts made public its investigation of him and his alleged unprofessional and unethical practices. One pro-life advocate said despite this loss in the courtroom, he will continue to work and to pray for Tiller’s conversion and his conviction.




  1. Anonymous12:34 PM

    The picture that heads this post is not of a late term abortion, but of the Vanderbilt procedure. Samuel was born healthy. Please refrain from spreading misinformation:


  2. Anon. 12:34 PM

    I stand corrected. I removed that picture and substituted an unquestionable late term abortion picutre . . .

