Sunday, August 30, 2020

What Democrats Want, Day 65, Countdown to Oblivion? CHINA, Part 2

As of today, there are 65 days until the most consequential election in American history. This is what they say about many past elections, but this is really it. For if the Democrats seize power – control of the U.S. House, the U.S. Senate and the Presidency – and doing it by hook or by crook (the justifies the means, you know) America as we know it will be forever changed. America envisioned and created by the Founding Fathers will disappear into the shadows of history. 
The ungodly secular-humanists/Marxists slow march through America’s institutions over the last 100 years or so will have reached a crescendo – fulfilling Mr. Obama’s fundamental transformation of America. Never again will the demonic Democratic Party relinquish its grip on political power and control of the masses.
Envision with me what a Socialist Democratic Party, takeover, a bloodless coup, a regime change, would look like. This is one in a series of daily articles leading up to the 2020 General Election scheduled for November 3, 2020.
Yesterday in Part 1 we talked about how the Democrat Party has helped China move toward superpower status We looked at China’s ambition to be control the world, and China’s role with COVID-19.  Today we will discuss more specifically how China is beginning to control its population at home and how it is furthering its cause abroad. Finally, we look at how some of the ramifications if China precedes unchecked, especially under a Democratic controlled Congress and Presidency.
China is a Control Freak

At Home

China surveils its own citizens. There are cameras everywhere. Facial recognition and social credit scores are a few ways China intends to control its citizens.

In a article, “China turns to tech to monitor, shame and rate citizens,” it offers some detail on how it will monitor its citizens. “China's plan is to give each citizen a social credit score, which goes far beyond the traditional credit score based on finances. The score can fluctuate based on a range of behaviors, like whether you jaywalk or buy Chinese-made goods or buy too many video games. If your score gets too low, you can be banned from buying a plane ticket, renting a house, accessing high-speed internet or getting a loan.”

China commits genocide on its own people implementing a one child policy forcing abortion on families. Recently they relaxed their regulations and now allow two children per family. 

China discriminates against and persecutes Uighur Muslims and Christians in violation of basic human rights and dignity. The Uighurs, in particular are being targeted for genocide.

An Axios article related, “Top Trump administration officials have publicly condemned China's oppression of the Uighurs, and the  Treasury Department has sanctioned a number of officials and entities involved in operating the internment camps. The Trump campaign and Biden campaign have repeatedly clashed over who is "tougher" than China.”

Persecution of Christ-followers in China is intensifying as well. Crosses are being removed from churches, pictures of Mao and President Xi are replacing the 10 Commandments inside of churches and pastors’ sermons and church services are increasing being monitored for subversive. I do not see the Democrats condemning China for its persecution of Christians. The Chinese bible is even being written to reflect a communist friendly interpretation.

And Abroad

China infiltrates our universities buying its way using the funding of Confucius Institutes as a way of gaining entry to our colleges and universities. 

In a story about the media, The New American article, “They Worked at CNN for Years; Now They Make Propaganda for China,” notes that much can be said about CNN when their “journalists” have no problem fitting right in with Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) anti-American propaganda machine, the China Global Television Network (CGTN), where several now are employed.

Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng was a featured speaker at last week’s RNC where he warned the world about human rights abuses in China and the danger of those who prefer “appeasing” the Chinese Communist Party. Tom Zawistowski on his weekly We the People Convention radio show and podcast mentioned that several news outlets including PBS, NBC, MSNBC, ABC switched off overage of the RNC when Chen spoke. The Communist Chinese seem to have many sympathizers here in America and you could include Antifa and the Black Lives Matter organization. All of them follow a Marxist philosophy.
The Communist Chinese are Shrewd in Business

The Communist Chinese government owns or controls most of its major businesses.

China demands that U.S. and other foreign companies doing business with China in joint ventures must share its proprietary technology with its Chinese Partners as a condition of doing business. China essentially steals and uses these secrets. The compromises that companies make to do business in China,” a CNN Business article, identifies other areas where business must compromise their values and practices including being bound by Chinese censorship.

China has held a trade imbalance with America for some time. President Trump has tried to reverse that long-standing situation. China exports more goods than they import from America. President Trump has taken steps to level the playing field.
The Chinese use near slave labor to produce products that undercut American manufacturers. American companies like Nike shoes benefit from the cheap labor.

Some Ramifications

If the Democratic Party were to win the House, the Senate and the Presidency in this fall’s General Election, China would be back taking full advantage of American leadership lack of business acumen or judgment. Taiwan would become a province of China with little resistance from a weakened Biden-Harris U.S. military more focused on recruiting homosexuals and performing gender “reassignment” surgery on armed forces members and recruits than on helping an ally.  There would be more of a Chinese presence in America stealing more, buying more land and businesses and resources. Perhaps at some point China would even consider invading out land.

Voters, if you want to one day be learning Chinese and bowing to President Xi, then vote Democrat. Otherwise, #WalkAway and vote Republican up and down the ballot.

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