Friday, August 21, 2020

What Democrats Want, Day 74, Countdown to Oblivion? Law Enforcement

#DefundThePolice or #BackTheBlue?

The 2020 General Election in a few months will offer a stark contrast between the two major political parties. In one corner in the red trunks are the communistic Democratic Party tag team pair of Sleep Creepy Joe Biden and Lawless Kamala Harris. In the thin blue lined trunks President and MAGAman Donald Trump and his teammate Mike the Spike Pence.

Choose lawlessness, a wink and a nod to the criminal rioters, looters, vandals and arsonist as demonstrated by the hands off – we support your cause – approach by the Marxist mayors and governors of Portland, Seattle, Chicago, New York, Columbus, and other Democratic controlled cities. Or choose law and order, supporting law enforcement from top to bottom from the U.S. Attorney General to the local sheriff or municipal patrolman. President Trump has demonstrated throughout his first term that he is for law and order. He has stood by the border patrol, I.C.E., and has offered federal help to riot-torn cities.

Prison Breaks

The Democratic Party was quick to release prisoners early because they were concerned about the prisoners being exposed to the Communist Chinese coronavirus. They did not care that the rest of the law-abiding citizens would be exposed to the early release criminals.

The Democrats even want their fellow felons – inside and outside of prison - to vote in the election.

The Democrats will try anything legal or illegal or questionable to win this upcoming election.

Sanctuary Cities

The Republicans generally oppose the idea of sanctuary cities. The Democrats, on the other hand, have created a number of sanctuary cities, which refuse to cooperate with Immigration and Custom Enforcement (I.C.E.). According to a story there are more than 300 jurisdictions across the U.S. are considered immigration sanctuaries in some fashion. By not cooperating with the feds the cities shelter a number of criminal aliens who should be deported. There have been several deaths and crimes committed by these sheltered thugs on American citizens. This alone would be a reason for more and more voters to #WalkAway from the Democratic Party candidates in the November election.

Dirty Cops in the Deep State

Like most policemen, most rank and file FBI, CIA agents are decent human beings who love America and want to do all they can to protect the American public. Unfortunately, their leadership in the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other agencies that should be working for the American people are a question mark. Some are still more loyal to the Deep State interests and the Marxists affiliated with the former President Obama and the funder of fundamental change George Soros and others.  One example is the “ethics” officer who advised the then Attorney General Jeff Sessions to recuse himself from anything to do with the Mueller investigations, with was disastrous. Again the Deep States’ only concern is to blacken the eye of President Trump and his administration in any way they can.

What to Expect Under Democrat Control of the Senate, House and Presidency

More politicization of the DOJ, FBI and CIA, etc. than even what occurred in the Obama administration, if that is possible. They will free the criminals and imprison the law-abiding. Amnesty for millions and millions of illegal aliens will be a top priority insuring a one-party system for the foreseeable future. The U.S. Constitution will be officially or essentially destroyed.

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