Wednesday, August 12, 2020

What Democrats Want, Day 83, Countdown to Oblivion? Socialism over Capitalism

As of today, there are 83 days until the most consequential election in American history. This is what they say about many past elections, but this is really it. For if the Democrats seize power – control of the U.S. House, the U.S. Senate and the Presidency – and doing it by hook or by crook (the justifies the means, you know) America as we know it will be forever changed. America envisioned and created by the Founding Fathers will disappear into the shadows of history.

The ungodly secular-humanists/Marxists slow march through America’s institutions over the last 100 years or so will have reached a crescendo – fulfilling Mr. Obama’s fundamental transformation of America. Never again will the demonic Democratic Party relinquish its grip on political power and control of the masses.

Envision with me what a Socialist Democratic Party, takeover, a bloodless coup, a regime change, would look like. This is the first of a series of daily articles leading up to the 2020 General Election scheduled for November 3, 2020.

Part of a meme I recently saw read, “We live in a society where …baby killers lecture us on human rights, and socialists lecture us on economics.” We will look at the difference between the philosophies and economic systems of socialism and capitalism.  America was built for the most part, on a capitalist or free-market, free-enterprise philosophical and economic system. But there are forces who have been working in this country to both stealthily and openly implement socialism.

It may be helpful to look at the definitions of each.

Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Central characteristics of capitalism include private property and the recognition of property rights, capital accumulation, wage labor, voluntary exchange, a price system and competitive markets. In a capitalist market economy, decision-making and investments are determined by every owner of wealth, property or production ability in financial and capital markets whereas prices and the distribution of goods and services are mainly determined by competition in goods and services markets.

Socialism is any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.  In Marxist-Leninist theory socialism is the intermediate stage between capitalism and communism, in which the means of production are collectively owned but a completely classless society has not yet been achieved.

Capitalism Versus Socialism

Dr. James Dobson recently wrote in a Christian Post article, “The Stakes are High This Election Year,” that American voters have two clear paths to choose. The wrong choice will be dangerous and cataclysmic. He wrote about one very critical issue that voters must consider:

Our nation is built upon a system of free enterprise; socialism limits enterprise and creates undue reliance on the state. Yet this is not simply an economic issue; it is a spiritual matter. Socialism, at its core, is a secular framework that installs government as “god.” It has no use for faith, freedom, or the will of the people.

Two stark examples of socialism are President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)’s New Deal legislation and President Lyndon Banes Johnson (LBJ)’s Great Society legislation. Both made a significant contribution to moving America in the direction of socialism.

Here is a excerpt describing the “New Deal”:

The New Deal was a series of programs and projects instituted during the Great Depression by President Franklin D. Roosevelt that aimed to restore prosperity to Americans. When Roosevelt took office in 1933, he acted swiftly to stabilize the economy and provide jobs and relief to those who were suffering. Over the next eight years, the government instituted a series of experimental New Deal projects and programs, such as the CCC, the WPA, the TVA, the SEC and others. Roosevelt’s New Deal fundamentally and permanently changed the U.S. federal government by expanding its size and scope—especially its role in the economy.

Here is a article and podcast excerpt describing the “Great Society”:

The “Great Society” was “a sweeping set of programs that marked the most ambitious expansion of the federal government since Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal.  (President) Johnson declared war on poverty, jacked up federal spending on education, and pushed massive new entitlement programs, including Medicare and Medicaid, which promised to deliver high-quality, low-cost health care to the nation's elderly and poor…

Destruction of the family especially the black family, subjugation of minorities to systemic and generational poverty, a failed public education system, expanded and uncontrolled national debt, a bloated government and bureaucracy are some of the results we are living with today. As Dr. Dobson said America has made the State little “g” god. An people of faith stand in the way of the “advances” of socialism, Marxism, and communism, the philosophy and economic system currently being embraced by the Democratic Party up and down the ballot.

Amity Shlaes is quoted in the interview and article said, “remembering the failure of the Great Society is especially relevant in an election year when presidential candidates are promising to spend huge amounts of money on all sorts of new government programs.”  Shlaes also wrote, “Once again, many Americans rate socialism as the generous philosophy. But the results of our socialism were not generous... Nothing is new. It is just forgotten."

The communist-oriented Democrats, Biden and Harris, candidates for president and vice president are promising all sorts of new spending including for major climate change (New Green Deal) regulation and mandates. National Public Radio reports that the Democratic National Committee platform for 2020 will also include “$15 (per hour) minimum wage, mandatory paid family leave, more federal gun control, broad changes to federal sentencing guidelines and drug laws, and many other changes that most Democratic candidates for Congress and the White House have supported for years.”

Amity Shlaes is quoted in the same interview and article quoted earlier as saying, “remembering the failure of the Great Society is especially relevant in an election year when presidential candidates are promising to spend huge amounts of money on all sorts of new government programs.”  Shlaes also wrote, “Once again, many Americans rate socialism as the generous philosophy. But the results of our socialism were not generous... Nothing is new. It is just forgotten."

Hopefully voters will do their own research and #WalkAway from the communistic Democratic Party which will figuratively (and maybe even literally) blow up the constitution and the people who adhere to it if they were to gain full control of the nation.

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