Sunday, August 23, 2020

What Democrats Want, Day 72, Countdown to Oblivion? Education, Part 2

As of today, there are 72 days until the most consequential election in American history. This is what they say about many past elections, but this is really it. For if the Democrats seize power – control of the U.S. House, the U.S. Senate and the Presidency – and doing it by hook or by crook (the justifies the means, you know) America as we know it will be forever changed. America envisioned and created by the Founding Fathers will disappear into the shadows of history.
The ungodly secular-humanists/Marxists slow march through America’s institutions over the last 100 years or so will have reached a crescendo – fulfilling Mr. Obama’s fundamental transformation of America. Never again will the demonic Democratic Party relinquish its grip on political power and control of the masses.
Envision with me what a Socialist Democratic Party, takeover, a bloodless coup, a regime change, would look like. This is one in a series of daily articles leading up to the 2020 General Election scheduled for November 3, 2020.

Yesterday we looked at some of the basic differences in philosophy and ideals between the two major political party platforms. To summarize the Democratic Party wants central control and a set of one-size fits all education standards. The Republican Party prefers local control and decentralized control giving parents and the local community greater autonomy to develop their own standards and to giving them a choice in where to send their children – school choice.

More Contrasts

As if the above was not enough of a clear contrast between the two main political parties there’s more… 

Sex Education

When it comes to sex education the Republican Party Platform supports
“sexual risk avoidance education that sets abstinence until marriage as the responsible and respected standard of behavior.” The communistic Democratic Party Platform promotes condom-based sex education. Programs like Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) taught by Planned Parenthood which introduces perverted ideas to the youngest children.
Transgender Bathrooms in Schools
When it comes to the gender dysfunctional or confused “transgender” individuals using opposite sex bathrooms the two parties differ greatly there as well.  The Republican Party Platform opposes the previous Obama administration’s Title IX transgender edict, since it is “at once illegal, dangerous, and ignores privacy issues,” and “impose(s) a social and cultural revolution upon the American people by wrongly redefining sex discrimination to include sexual orientation or other categories.” The recent Supreme Court decision in Bostock v. Clayton County didn’t help matters when the court did seem to redefine sex to include transgender behavior.

The Democrat Platform supports the Obama administrations redefinition of “sex discrimination” in Title IX to mandate transgender bathroom and showers in public schools and universities through “the continued development of sex discrimination law to cover L(H)BT people (behaviors).” Sadly, the Democratic Party has some allies in the judicially activist unconstitutional Supreme Court.


Expect a sharp, deliberate increase in propagandizing and indoctrination of students in public schools if the Democrats win the House Senate and Presidency this fall. The Teacher Unions will have an even bigger voice, if that is possible, in curriculum and the indoctrination of children in all the wrong values and content. Students will be trained not based on their desires or their parents’ desires, but what the state needs and wants. Children will no longer have the freedom to pursue their own goals and dreams. This will be the sure consequence if the communistic Democratic Party win the 2020 Election.

The Democrats approach undermines parental authority and seeks a submissive, programmable population through the education process - creating mindless robots. While, on the other hand, the Republicans want to ensure parents have maximum freedom and flexibility in educating their children – individual freedom and autonomy. The parents know best, not the state.

The choice is very clear in the November General Election voters must #WalkAway from the Democratic Party and all its candidates for the sake of the children and the future of this nation.

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