Friday, August 14, 2020

What Democrats Want, Day 81, Countdown to Oblivion? Taxes

As of today, there are 81 days until the most consequential election in American history. This is what they say about many past elections, but this is really it. For if the Democrats seize power – control of the U.S. House, the U.S. Senate and the Presidency – and doing it by hook or by crook (the justifies the means, you know) America as we know it will be forever changed. America envisioned and created by the Founding Fathers will disappear into the shadows of history.

The ungodly secular-humanists/Marxists slow march through America’s institutions over the last 100 years or so will have reached a crescendo – fulfilling Mr. Obama’s fundamental transformation of America. Never again will the demonic Democratic Party relinquish its grip on political power and control of the masses.

Envision with me what a Socialist Democratic Party, takeover, a bloodless coup, a regime change, would look like. This is the first of a series of daily articles leading up to the 2020 General Election scheduled for November 3, 2020.

The Only Sure Things in Life are Death and Taxes

The communistic Democratic Party of 2020 have embraced death and taxes. Abortion is their “holy” sacrament. Taxes is how they support their spending addiction.  Today we will focus on taxes, previously we discussed abortion here and here. It seems that the solution to every problem for the Democrats is more money. And what is the source of the money? More taxation is the solution – property taxes, sales taxes, user taxes, income taxes an even estate or death taxes.

Balanced Budget is Anathema to Democrats

To live within ones means is foolishness to Democrats and an increasing number of Republicans as well. There have been moves within Congress to legislate a balanced budget requirement. There is also a move outside of government called the Convention of States, which calls for a constitutional convention, which supposed has the prime purpose of mandating that government adhere to a balanced budget. Making a balanced budget an amendment to the U.S. Constitution would be a great idea, but all these efforts there is no will in Congress or among the people to make this happen. The Democrats would never support a balanced budget.

Riding on the Omnibus

In recent years both the Democrats and Republicans in Congress have failed to do the necessary work to pass a federal budget as well as the corresponding appropriation bills. They settle for deficit and debt driving Omnibus Spending Bills which include many bloated and unnecessary expenditures that could not be by Congress, but due to expediency they pass. Congress waits to the last minute and must adopt humongous bills that include many wasteful expenditures.

The bottom line that the cowardly, lazy members of Congress shirk their responsibility in creating and living by a budget. Families could not operate this way for very long. The government has the power to borrow and print money out of thin air. This practice will eventually catch up and cause financial ruin.

The Fair Tax or Flat Tax

Two ideas that may work but would be vigorously resisted by the Democrats and big government defenders are the Fair Tax and the Flat Tax ideas.

According to the description:  The Fair Tax Plan is a sales tax proposal to replace the current U.S. income tax structure. It abolishes all federal personal and corporate income taxes, and ends all taxes on gifts, estates, capital gains, alternative minimums, Social Security, Medicare, and self-employment.The plan replaces them with a federal retail sales tax of 23% to be administered by state sales tax authorities.

The same website states, “A flat tax is an income tax system that applies the same tax rate to everyone regardless of income. Most flat tax systems also allow exemptions for those living below the poverty line, so each proposal for a flat tax must be evaluated carefully to assess its true revenue-producing potential.

The flat tax would be considered unfair because the rich or the one percenters and corporations because they would be not paying, ironically, their fair share. Ingenuity, hard work, investment, and risk are not considered by the Democrats as worthwhile ideals that should be supported and encourage for the overall benefit of society.  Democrats consider that it is big government which knows best.  The Fair Tax Plan would be opposed because Congress and its various agencies would have to work within a set amount of money and make tough priority choices and limit the pay to play schemes so prevalent today.


Isn’t it funny (obscene, really) that Democrats change the language by calling taxes, “investments”?  Yes, they are investments all right, but investments in big, obtrusive government, not an investment in helping the American people. Expect a huge increase in taxation if the communistic Democratic Party wins the presidency and both houses of Congress this fall. The have promises to keep and voters to keep on the Democratic plantation. The debt will raise, but with it the nation will fall.

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