Sunday, July 16, 2006

Liberal Patriot or Liberal Traitor?

The following comment was posted to this blog on Friday, 07/14/06, by an anonymous poster who refers to himself as “A Tax Paying Citizen of the United States of America.” My comments follow his tirade.

”Mr. Taxpaying Citizen” Writes:

A good tree does not bear bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit (Matt 7:18). It is time you opened your eyes and thoughtfully absorb the consequences of supporting an administration for partisan, patriotic, or even religious purposes. I am sure that many of you who have staunchly defended these leaders have done so for altruistic purposes. However, there comes a point in time that one must sincerely consider, critique, and act upon facts rather than rhetoric.

How can any of you believe that George W. Bush is a man of God when the fruits of this man’s presidency are burning before our eyes? He has lied from
day one of his candidacy for 2000, beginning with his claims of being a “Compassionate Conservative,” and a “Uniter, not a Divider,” and he continues to lie. Has America been a good neighbor under this administration? Have we been good world citizens? I would argue that we have not. We have not considered the innocent people of Iraq in our calculations, under the leadership of an administration that contradicts itself as it claims, “We are the liberators of Iraq,” while telling us that “We’d rather fight them over there.” We have not considered the brave patriots that we have squandered in our battle of false premise. We have not thoughtfully scrutinized not only the devastating impact upon the Middle East, but the impact that these actions have and will ultimately continue to have on American families. What happened to the good-will of the entire world for our country? They have not been wise stewards.

When will this man be held accountable for his lies and the devastating consequences of those lies? There was courage upon the “Hill” to impeach a president guilty of personal indiscretions, personal dishonesty, but when it comes to a president and his administration that has cost this world unquantifiable hardship and a disturbing loss of life that continues to unfold; cowardice is the mode of operation.

Our political leaders have used their pens to send our bravest citizens into what has now become a nest of barbarity while tacitly encouraging savagery that has already cost our soldiers and their families dearly. Why? They have flagrantly dismissed the rules of war and have consistently strived to circumvent the Constitution that they claim to defend. Why? They said is was to protect us. That was a lie. They said it was to liberate. That was a lie.

Are you going to be complacent in this struggle? We are fighting for more than the prevention of terrorism—we are fighting for our true moral purpose in this world. And I ask you, what is it that you think the moral purpose of our country is? Is it to bear good fruit, or is it to complacently rally our leaders regardless of their actions or the consequences of those actions?

We must fight with our pens now—pick up your pen for this country. Pick up your pen for our service men and women; pick up your pen in opposition to greed, in opposition to arrogance, in opposition to deceit, and in opposition to the oppression of our neighbors. This administration must be held accountable.

Sam responds:

I see by your posting that (1) you are a Liberal; (2) you definitely say nothing to demonstrate that you a Christian; (3) You are more concerned about the world’s opinion and not at all concerned about what God thinks.

You consider removing a tyrant from leadership of a county is bad; one who murdered, raped, paid $25,000 to families of suicide bombers, and wanted to destroy Israel. This is bad for the Middle East? This is pure nonsense.

Who’s guilty of personal indiscretion? What about sending troops into Somalia, sent in without enough fire power to do the job, and pulling out when the troops run into difficulty.

This is what set the United States up for 9/11.In conclusion, are you a terrorist sympathizer, you sure sound like one?


  1. I actually agree with the anonymous poster. I don't know whether he is conservative or liberal, but one thing is for sure, Bush is a liberal. Bush's veto of this stem cell research funding bill is one of the very few instances in which I agree with Bush. But he even compromised on this issue, allowing funding for already existing cell lines. I have changed my mind about the war in Afghanistan. Even though we have become a wicked nation, to not try to apprehend Osama Bin Laden would be unjust, adding another wrong to our long list. (But only because he committed crimes against the U.S. and its citizens, that is, our jurisdiction.) I got just a bit too cynnical. But I still don't think God will help us find him if he is using him to punish us (unless we repent). The war in Iraq makes no sense to me. The United States has no scriptural mandate to be a policeman of the world or to protect Israel.

  2. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Do you think Jesus would be a political conservative if he were alive today? I doubt it. Nor would he be a Liberal. I am amazed at how many people confuse their religion with their politics. Let's try to set the record straight. 1) Jesus would be against abortion.
    2) Jesus would NOT favor capital punishment: an eye for an eye went out when Jesus came in. 3) Jesus would not favor "pre-emptive" war under any circumstances. 5) Jesus would give generously to the poor and remind the rich that camels would pass more easily through the eye of a needle than the rich through the gates of Heaven. 6) Jesus brought the message of hope into a world hopelessly lost. A message of love to the unloved. Redemption, Santification and Glorification to those who believe. Finally, GOD does not punish in this life. HE did not send Aids to punish homosexuals and HE did not send Bin Laden to punish us. The Bible teaches (study the book of Job, please) that GOD will withdraw his protection, but punishment awaits us in the afterlife. I rather imagine a special place in hell is reserved for all those who distort Judao/Christian beliefs to fit their political ambitions.
