Sunday, January 25, 2015

American Sniper (2014), a Review

I’m very selective as to the movies I watch and especially those that I pay to see in a movie theater. I saw American Sniper last evening upon the ‘recommendation’ of movie critic and obese movie maker Michael Moore. If that radical leftist didn’t like the movie, then it surely must be a good one. It was.

The Saturday prime time movie crowd filled the theater to 90%-plus capacity, as it has all over the nation. The movie is quite riveting and realistic, maybe too much so  in parts. Violence and sailor language permeates the movie. However, that is an accurate reflection of military life. The movie is definitely meant for adults.

The movie gives the viewer a peek at the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. It follows the life of a famed Navy Seal sniper, Chris Kyle. The movie alternates between shots of him a home in the United States and him at work in Iraq. A couple particular moving events in the movie are when he is faced with having to shoot a young boy and his mother who are on a suicidal mission to destroy U.S. Marines with a grenade.   He reluctantly had to decide whether to shoot them or not. In another similar incident he held his fire until a young boy dropped a rocket propelled grenade laucher (RPG) that he picked up after Kyle killed the Islamist terrorist who was about to shoot at a Marine convoy.

Another series of scenes that stuck out to me was the battle within a battle between the ace Islamic terrorist sniper and the American sniper, Kyle. Over the course of much of the movie the battle plays out with the Islamist sniper getting the best of Kyle for the most part.

In his four tours of duty Kyle had some serious ups and downs at home relating with his wife and children. A lot of trouble came from his inability to leave Iraq mentally and emotionally. He was driven by some degree of revenge for what the Islamic terrorists did to some of his fellow combatants.

Kyle’s life was forever impacted at the end of the movie by a troubled veteran, who Kyle was trying to help.

Clint Eastwood directed and produced the movie. He is one of my favorite actors and he does a great job with this movie. The acting of Bradley Cooper as Kyle was also commendable. The movie is a five-star movie. I would recommend it for every adult citizen.

It is more educational than it is pure entertainment. It is educational as far as portraying with historical accuracy and graphic representation what America and the entire Western world facea in dealing with the corrupt nature of Islam and its most ardent and observant followers.  It delves into the life of a patriot American, who is willing to sacrifice his life and all that is important to him to preserve the freedom for which America is known and admired.

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