Sunday, April 03, 2016

Miracles from Heaven (2016)

A wholesome film is rare in America these days. I saw the movie, Miracles from Heaven, last Sunday, Easter. It was an uplifting film. I enjoy message movies, especially those which are based on real life events.
The theme of Miracles from Heaven centers on the effects of a devastating digestive disease on the middle child of a family with three girls. The mother passionately tries to do everything physically possible to find a medical solution to her child’s problem (pseudo-obstruction motility disorder and antral hypomotility disorder). The movie reminds me of an older movie, Lorenzo's Oil (1992), in which the parents tirelessly research and seek a medical intervention for their child, who was suffering from adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD).
As the movie unfolds, many minor miracles are occurring leading up to a dramatic event that brings about an earth-shaking change in the girl’s condition. The culminating miracle is only the major miracle in a series of minor miracles. Interspersed within the drama, are moments that will make you laugh as well as touch your heart.

The mother’s faith is challenged during the fight to help save her daughter. She has some support from her husband, however he is extremely busy in trying to keep the family’s head above the water, having just gone into debt opening his veterinarian practice.  The child’s disease comes upon her suddenly, causes her great pain, and stifles her ability to live a normal life. The disease is also very costly and causes a significant financial challenge for the family.
Together the family faces the situation together with love and courage. The movie is a moving account of faith, love and family.
I would give the move ***** out of *****.  The movie is entertaining and inspiring. It is well worth the time and effort to go and see it in the theater or on DVD when it comes out.
History Hollywood has an interesting article about the background of the movie. You can click here to learn more about the movie's characters as well as about the real people on which the movie was based.

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