Friday, October 04, 2019

Forgiven, the Trial of Amber Guyger

Is the Progressive Left in America in 2019 so hardened, so dogmatic, so Christophobic, so cynical, so closed-minded, so intolerant, so uninformed, so divisive, so heartless, so hyper partisan as to be unable to recognize, accept or to realize even the possibility that pure, unadulterated forgiveness is still possible in today’s jaded world? “Yes” seems to be the answer.

So, what are the Left's solutions to the perceived injustice by many on the Left see in the punishment given in the case of the murder of Botham Jean? Do we just accept and maintain the thinking that police are evil and that racism continues to exist on rampant levels in this nation? Do we change our justice system to build in more just punishment for "white on black" crimes? Do we eliminate the police forces or take their guns from them? 

Or do we just reject any sign or instance of reconciliation and continue to fuel and foment racial hatred and division to cause chaos (civil war) in order to quicken or usher in the establishment of a socialist or Marxist utopian state thereby bringing about full equality (or enslavement) to the masses?

Isn't the example of forgiveness shown by the brother of the murder victim enough to spark a revival of real racial reconciliation instead of looking for another incident to reinforce division among the "races" for political reasons?

I do not believe that Amber Guyger was/is a racist. However, even assuming that she was/is, wouldn’t the fact that Brandt (the victim's brother) forgave her demonstrate the power of true forgiveness even more? Brandt’s desire for Amber was not punishment, as he sincerely expressed in the courtroom, but was that she be reconciled to God through faith in Jesus Christ and be forgiven by Him.

Amber’s remorse, regret and acceptance of Brandt’s forgiveness for the mistaken murder of his brother Botham, that wasn’t enough proof for the Left that forgiveness is real and works and can bridge any racial divide? Even Judge Tammy Kemp, put Amber away for 10 years wanted to see her reconciled to God and move on from the horror of this tragedy.

America needs hope, restoration, reconciliation and not more fomentation of hatred and violence that seems to motivate and characterize the rhetoric, the reactions and the actions of much of the Left.

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