Sunday, December 08, 2019

A Shroud of Darkness Now Covers Chick-fil-A (CFA)

(MANSFIELD, OHIO) For several months before the revelation of CFA’s stealth double-minded support of ungodly, unwholesome charities, CFA was invited to bring their business to Ohio. Many Christians and conservative supporter and even Pastors wanted to bring such a principled (we thought) organization to town.
Chick-fil-A in the Dark


However, it has been revealed by a multitude of sources that CFA has been stealthily double-minded in support of ungodly, unwholesome charities. Will they continue to bring their chicken to town? Will the community still want them to come?

The last few weeks we found out a different story. Behind their seemingly the Christian façade, CFA was supporting anti-biblical organizations since maybe 2014. They announced a week or so ago their intent to dump support for Christian charities like the SalvationArmy, the Paul Anderson Youth Home and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. All solid gospel-centered, Christ-honoring, bible-following organizations.  The "crime" that these organizations are guilty of is their support for human life and for biblical and biological man-woman marriage.  These positions are anathema and totally unacceptable to the LGBT advocates and their allies.


CFA leadership has annonced their intent to serve mammon (money) over ministries. Apparently, they want to be welcome in lucrative and liberal metropolitan airports in the South (San Antonio) and out West. They want to be welcomed in sodomy-friendly Canada. So, corporate leadership under Dan Cathy, son of the founder, and Chairman of the Board, they essentially threw Jesus under the bus in favor of promoting a more LGBT and abortion friendly persona.

One article title I recently saw summarized the current state of affairs, Chick-fil-A’s New Marketing Strategy: Let’s Make Everybody Hate Us! That says it all. They have alienated many of their former defenders and supporters, Christians and conservatives, who wanted to support a principled organization. However, CFA will continue to be bullied by Leftist LGBT lobby advocates, who will settle for nothing less from CFA and all major corporations than full capitulation to all their demands and maybe even the renunciation of Jesus Christ.

You cannot serve two masters. CFA apparently has chose NOT to serve God. That leave only money, Satan and the world.


Let us hope that Chick-fil-A will turn from taking the broad way and stick to the narrow path that their founder Truett Cathy had set them on before he died.

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