Tuesday, August 04, 2020

What Democrats Want, Day 91, Countdown to Oblivion? It’s All in the Family, Part 1

As of today, there are 91 days until the most consequential election in American history. This is what they say about many past elections, but this is really it. For if the Democrats seize power – control of the U.S. House, the U.S. Senate and the Presidency – and doing it by hook or by crook (the justifies the means, you know) America as we know it will be forever changed. America envisioned and created by the Founding Fathers will disappear into the shadows of history.

The ungodly secular-humanists/Marxists slow march through America’s institutions over the last 100 years or so will have reached a crescendo – fulfilling Mr. Obama’s fundamental transformation of America. Never again will the demonic Democratic Party relinquish its grip on political power and control of the masses.

Envision with me what a Socialist Democratic Party, takeover, a bloodless coup, a regime change, would look like. This is the first of a series of daily articles leading up to the 2020 General Election scheduled for November 3, 2020.

We are Family

Without a doubt the natural family is the bedrock of civilized societies. However, the natural family has been a target of the Left and their comrades in and out of government. Why is this the case?  One reason may be that the Left is intent in having government serve as daddy and big-brother at the same time to single-mother households. That is how they can control the population, the masses. This is how the Democrats have retained the vote and have controlled minority populations, especially in large urban cities.

What is the Natural Family and Why is Everyone Picking on It?

To me the ideal Natural Family consist of a biological man (husband) and a biological woman (wife) who are committed to each other in a life-long, monogamous marital relationship with or without biologically born or adopted children.  Sadly, too many in our culture today may laugh at this definition and find it irrelevant. After all, haven’t we “progressed” far beyond the traditional family structure to now where anything goes? In 2015 (Obergefell v. Hodges) don’t you know the U.S. Supreme Court even “blessed” same sex “marriage,” now two men or two woman can “legally” get “married.” 

Factors Negatively Impacting the Natural Family

There have been several forces working together to destroy the natural family in America. Some of these factors are: No-Fault Divorce, the welfare policies and programs of the Great Society, Public Education and the ongoing Sexual Revolution. We will look at each briefly. Today we will explore the first two factors and we will conclude tomorrow with the final two factors.

No-Fault Divorce

I understand that the “great” Ronald Reagan when he was governor of California signed a bill allowing for no-fault divorce. Here is a legal dictionary definition for No-Fault Divorce:

 n. divorces (dissolutions) in which neither spouse is required to prove "fault" or marital misconduct on the part of the other. To obtain a divorce a spouse must merely assert incompatibility or irreconcilable differences, meaning the marriage has irretrievably broken down. This means there is no defense to a divorce petition (so a spouse cannot threaten to "fight" a divorce), there is no derogatory testimony, and marital misconduct cannot be used to achieve a division of property favorable to the "innocent" spouse.

As a result, No-Fault Divorce has had a devastating affect on the family especially on children. It encourages irresponsibility. The nuclear or natural family is the key to a stable and civilized society. It puts under burden on the parent who is responsible for the upbringing of children. If he or she has to work and the children are often “home alone” or placed in day care or with babysitters or with nannies who do not always have the best interest of the child in mind to the same degree as a parent does.

Social Welfare Policies and Programs

The Great Society social welfare policies and programs where the mother must not have a man in the house in order to collect welfare funds has caused great harm to children, especially minority children, who reside for the most part in large cities. Prior to these odious programs, 75% of minority homes had a mother and father or a husband and wife present. Today that number has dropped to 25%. You wonder why there are gangs and rampant drug use and crime in our inner cities and elsewhere.

Where's Dad?

Fatherlessness is the common thread, the result of both factors mentioned above, easy divorce and welfare programs.  The fatherless home is the primary reason that many young men end up in prison and/or in gangs. Fatherless homes may also be a cause of young women being promiscuous and obtaining abortions to "fix" the unwanted child. The cycle of poverty continues from generation to generation because of the absence of a father in the home. In Ohio there is even a resolution being debated in the House of Representatives to declare racism public health crisis. What foolishness! Fatherlessness is the real public health crisis, not racism! It is an epidemic. Children must have an intact family to achieve optimal development. They need input that both mothers and fathers can uniquely provide. Each parent is uniquely designed to provide a balance in developing the child.

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