Sunday, September 27, 2020

What Democrats Want, Day 37, Countdown to Oblivion? GOVERNMENT


As of today, there are 37 days until the most consequential election in American history. This is what they say about many past elections, but this is really it. For if the Democrats seize power – control of the U.S. House, the U.S. Senate and the Presidency – and doing it by hook or by crook (the justifies the means, you know) America as we know it will be forever changed. America envisioned and created by the Founding Fathers will disappear into the shadows of history.

The ungodly secular-humanists/Marxists slow march through America’s institutions over the last 100 years or so will have reached a crescendo – fulfilling Mr. Obama’s fundamental transformation of control of the masses.

Envision with me what a Socialist Democratic Party, takeover, a bloodless coup, a regime change, would look like. This is one in a series of daily articles leading up to the 2020 General Election.


N 2010 when the Tea Party Movement was just firing up, Ray Stevens wrote a song about the growing monstrous government, he called the song We Are the Government. The song is from his We the People album. The lyrics of the song are in blue and my comments to those are in black. Although that song was written 10 years ago it has even more relevance today. What Bob Dylan was to the 1960s, to me Ray Stevens has been to the 2010s.


We are the Government

By Ray Stevens


[knocking] Who is it?
Candy Gram
Go away, I saw that on Saturday Night Live
[knocking] Who is it?
Santa Claus
Come on, it's not even Christmas
[knocking] Who is it?
Easter Bunny
How dumb do you think I am?
[knocking] Who is it?
Stimulus check
Stimulus check? Why didn't you say so?

Opening Comments.

We are the Government
We're here to help you


Help or Hindrance: President Ronald Reagan once said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'”

We are the Government
We'll tell you what to do


Tyrannical Control:  The Democratic Party seeks control above all else. defines tyranny as “Arbitrary or despotic exercise of power; the exercise of power over subjects and others with a rigor not authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purposes of government. Hence tyranny is often synonymous with cruelty and oppression.” We can see Democrat and some Republican governors and mayors and health department directors exercise power exceeding their authority during the COVID panicdemic.

We'll show you how to live your life,
Raise your kids and treat your wife


Rules and Regulations Galore:  Big government establishes arbitrary rules and regulations that have no moral basis. Abortion and same sex “marriage” and treating gender dysphoric people under sex discrimination laws have no real basis in the Constitution, thanks to the United States Supreme Court.

We are the Government
And we're here to help you

We are the Government
Your money belongs to us
We are the Government
And when we tax you, please don't fuss
You'll see the benefit someday
And besides it's ours anyway

We are the Government
Your money belongs to us


Taxed to Death:  Taxation without representation was one of the causes precipitating the American Revolution. Americans, individual and businesses, are being taxed for the mindless overspending of big bloated government. Saying 'balanced budget' to a  member of Congress is like using the name of 'Jesus' to a demon.


Pentagon & Military The average U.S. taxpayer pays more to private military contractors than funds that directly support the troops.. Of every dollar taxpayers pay in income taxes, 24¢ goes to the military - but only 4.8¢ goes to our troops in the form of pay, housing allowances and other benefits (excluding healthcare).

We are the Government
We'll tell you what to eat
We are the Government
And you must avoid red meat
It's bad for your heart,
bad for your waist,
in time you'll love how tofu tastes
We are the Government
And we'll tell you what to eat


Eat Your Vegetables:  There are even some Democratic mayors (NYC) who concern themselves with the size of soda drinks.

There's a vicious rumor floating around
That we all work for you
But the government, doesn't work at all
So how can that be true?



Who’s in Charge:  Yes, by their actions We the People are subjects and not employers of representatives in our State Capitols and Washington, D.C. Mayors and representatives are above the law. They can use the beauty shop while the peons cannot. They are the elite. This is tyranny. Under Marxist and communist dictatorship this is the case. But in a Representative Constitutional Republic it is not. We employ our representatives; they work for us. How far we have drifted from this standard.


Term limits and shorter legislative session like some states have may help return to an employee-employer relationship.

We are the Government
The election is our home

And for that we'll sell our soul
We have limousines and jets


Promises, Promises. Both Democrats and many Republicans make all kinds of promises in order to get elected. Once in power they seem to forget or ignore those promise.

Rare is the politician who make promises and keeps them. President Trump is one such politician. His campaign slogan, “Promises Made, Promise Kept” is more than a mere slogan. Several previous presidents made promises to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, none did. But President Trump did!

We spread the wealth, you absorb the debt
We are the Government
And we know what's best for you


Wealth Distribution: The communistic Democratic Party contends that the rich do not pay their far share. The Democratic Party pits the rich against the poor. Rather than unifying the divergent groups they seek to divide and conquer.

The elite, like Dr. Fauci, long time bureaucrat, is looked upon as an expert, but the data says something different. The Deep State or the D.C. Swamp is embedded throughout government and has this elitist attitude. They often work at odds with the President’s wishes and directions.

Congress for the most part is a free spender. Their basic philosophy is to kick the can down the road to future generations. This is not prudent. This is not right. There are elements of the Republican Party who are fiscal conservatives who want to do something about our massive national deficit and debt but no one seems to listen or to care.

We are the Government
Your health care's in our hands
You might have heard we've started what we call the Kevorkian Clan
Don't smoke, don't drink, and don't get sick
because if you do you'll die real quick
We are the Government
And your health care's in our hands Now this is a free country
You can eat hamburgers galore
But of course we can't provide your health insurance, anymore, ha ha
We are the Government


Healthcare:  The Democratic Party wants universal healthcare. They connived their way to get the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). This act would pave the way for Medicare-for-all or for Government-run healthcare. Kevorkian death panels and long wait times lurk in the background with any government-run healthcare programs.

The private sector coupled with competition is the best way to provide healthcare. Offering insurance options, including the ability to buy insurance across state lines is the way to go. The Republicans support a free market approach to healthcare provision.

Obey our laws you must
We are the Government
But the laws are not for us
You have the healthcare plan we say, but you can't expect us to live that way
Because we are the Government
And the laws are not for us


Elitism:  That is the mindset of the Democrats we are above the law. Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Chicago Mayor visiting the otherwise closed beauty parlors because they are above the law, while others are not permitted. 

I'm Hungry!
Hungry? What happened to your gruel? Have you already eaten your gruel?
You only get one bowl a day you know, you don't want to get fat!
I'm cold! I need a coat!
Cold? No coats! haven't you heard of global warming? Be patient!
I'm bleeding! I had an accident.
An accident? Well what did you do with your band-aid. We gave you one last year!

Closing Comments.




The Democrats want big obtrusive government that controls all aspects of the lives of the people. Yes, the communistic Democratic Party wants to expand government further.

The Republicans want a smaller, more efficient and effective government and want the people to have every opportunity to succeed and to prosper individually and as a country.

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