Sunday, January 31, 2021

Marks of Marxism on America

In an article, "Bloody century, compliments of Marxism," by Ed Vitagliano in the AFA Journal (Jan./Feb. 2021) is a quote by C. Bradley Thompson.  Thompson said in a 2012 speech, “Nothing in the long span of human history comes close to the tyranny, terror, and mass genocide caused by Marxism in power – nothing.”

Later in the article Vitagliano writes that Thompson identified how the Marxists/communists advanced their revolutionary ambitions, in other words, the communist’s dirty laundry list of weapons or tactics used:

·                “Collectivism,

·                One-party rule,

·                Man-made famine,

·                Secret police,

·                Arrests,

·                Propaganda,

·                Censorship,

·                Ethnic cleansing,

·                Purges,

·                Show trials,

·                Reeducation camps,

·                Gulags,

·                Firing squads, and

·                Killing fields,

-  All of these defined life under communism.”

So, let’s look at this list and see if it parallels what we are seeing in America today, especially since the January 20th inauguration of the illegitimate President Joe Biden.


The rejection of individual freedom and liberty in favor of the group.  Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines collectivism as, “a political or economic theory advocating collective control especially over production and distribution...” Biden’s Executive Orders that:

n    Directs the attorney general not to renew federal contracts with private prisons.

n    Cancels the Keystone XL pipeline and directs agencies to review and reverse more than 100 Trump actions on the environment. [This would deal a severe blow to the energy industry.]

One-party rule

Prior to the election Democrats said that if they gained control of the U.S. House and Senate, they would seek to make Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico states giving the Democrats 4 new Senators assuring one-party rule. They also talked about eliminating the filibuster allowing to enact laws with only 51 Senator votes and not 2/3 of the Senate concurrence would be needed to enact their agenda items. Throw in open borders, increased in illegal immigration, amnesty, continued voter and election fraud and you have the makings of a permanent one-party tyranny.

Secret police (the Deep State)

There is great suspicion that the CIA, FBI and NSA are all Deep State players working against the national interests of America and working for globalist interests instead. The following Biden E.O.s demonstrate Deep State control using our compromised law enforcement and other governmental agencies:

n    Elevates climate change as an essential element of US foreign policy and national security and kicks off development of a new emissions reduction target, which will be announced by April 22

n    A presidential directive to restore America’sD leadership, support the international
pandemic response effort, promote resilience for future threats and advance global health security and the Global Health Security Agenda

n    Stops the United States’ withdrawal from the World Health Organization, with Dr. Anthony Fauci becoming the head of the delegation to the WHO

n    Rejoins the Paris climate accord, a process that will take 30 days


The FBI has virtually ignored the violence and criminal behavior of BLM and Antifa the past year including recently in Oregon and Washington and has wholeheartedly un-proportionately targeting the few hundred protestors (“rioters,” “insurgents”) on January 6th. They, the Administration and the Democrats in Congress, in conjunction with the mainstream media and the social media oligarchs have attempted to label the hundreds of thousands of peaceful persons in D.C. to air their grievances and support the President – as well as any supporter or voter of President Trump – as domestic terrorists.


Much of what we get from the mainstream media is biased and is very much slanted Leftward. Political correctness, anti-Conservative, anti-Christian, anti-Life and pro-sexual deficiency are all dominant themes.


As seen recently with the banning of a sitting President and conservative, Christian, and conservative voices by social media oligarchs. Social media has taken advantage of its privilege of being treated neutral platforms, while acting like Pravda, immune from lawsuits. See this article, “How social media censorship ‘silences’ conservative thoughts.”

Ethnic cleansing

While the Leftists, Democrats and their sycophants in the media tout, condone, and otherwise wholeheartedly support radical domestic terrorist organizations such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter, they approve of the overwhelming genocide of black babies. We will see future Biden E.O.s that expand abortion.  One of Biden’s E.O.s reflects this, which:

n    Rescinds the “Mexico City Policy,” a ban on US government funding for foreign nonprofits that perform or promote abortions


Some in Congress are calling for the removal of anyone who has a differing opinion of that of the Leftists in power. Sens. Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz should be kicked out of the Senate for their support of President Trump and their gall of calling for investigations of the unfair and unfree 2020 Election. Hawley and Cruz are not the only ones. Really any strong supporter of President Trump or anyone who dares question the validity of the 2020 Election is a ripe target for the cancel culture. See the article, Democrat Senator “Manchin: Removing Hawley, Cruz with 14th Amendment 'should be a consideration

Show trials

The two impeachments are political, period. They are unsubstantiated. They are nothing more than political theater with the purpose to damage, silence, and minimize Mr. Trump’s future political ambition and his influence on his loyal base.

Re-education camps

Some on the Left have even called for the need to send President Trump supporters and their children to reeducation centers to de-program them and to follow the party line. See the article, “Leftist suggest re-education camps, firing squads, banning talk radio to deprogram 75 million Trump Supporters.”


Regrettably, America is headed in a wrong direction. Many now in government have more in common with globalists and Marxists than they do with patriotic Americans.

One of the first things We the People need to do is to demand election reform to prevent another unfair and unfree election. Second, we must be diligent in purging Congress of those people who no longer represent us.  We need to primary RINOs and replace as many of them and Democrats has possible asap. Hopefully, we will still have a country in 2 or 4 years.

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