Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Michael Sam: Progressive Promotion of Sodomy

Warning:  The following article is not politically correct. If you can’t deal with the truth, then please discontinue reading and go back to watching Desperate Housewives or whatever.

I am appalled at the prolific positive promotion of homosexuality in our culture, which is so rampant today. This perverse progressive agenda is being fueled by those bent on destroying the foundations or traditional American values and virtues. Not happy just having desensitized the consciences of millions of people via their movies, music, video games, and television to the immorality and negative aspects of homosexuality, they desire to infect all of our culture. This ungodly ideology has crept into our schools and colleges advancing a lifestyle that is deadly to individuals and to society as a whole.
Michael Sam could be starting the season on the Cowboys practice squad. (USATSI)
The liberal left now has set their sights on making inroads into sports arena. It is not enough that professional sports tolerate and accept drug abusers, wife beaters, and cheaters. Now they want us to accept those who practice unnatural, unhealthy and abnormal homosexual behavior. Apparently so hungry to gain a foothold into sports, they have glorified a borderline player vaunting him to a status way above what his skill on the football field deserves. I have heard only rapturous reports on NPR and even ESPN following Michael Sam's every move from his low round draft pick to his pre-season exploits to his failure to make the final cut of the profession team that drafted him. He’s been treated as if he were some kind of hero or star.

What next? Will the progressive left proclaim a pedophile, a porn star, or a serial purse snatcher as the first of his or her kind to play in a sport? It is a sad commentary on the state of our society when we elevate any sinner to that status of saint, which many in our society have done in the case of Michael Sam.  I admit that I too am a sinner as every human being is. We should not glorify wanton immoral behavior of any kind, be it fornication, pornographic addiction, drug abuse, child abuse, theft, adultery, or homosexuality. In doing so it only further weakens the moral fabric and foundation of our already shaky society.

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