Tuesday, August 22, 2006

A Canary in a Cage. Part 3 of 3

In part 1 we discussed the difference between two forms of Christianity. One type of “Christianity” is best described as a socialistic, Marxist or liberation theological approach to “Christianity”, which promotes a “social gospel” and holds up social and economic justice as preeminent. True Christianity, the other form, is best described as having a deep personal relationship with God through a personal salvation experience with Jesus Christ as being preeminent in one’s live. Out of this personal experience comes the motivation, the grace and the power to help the poor and disadvantaged with both physical and spiritual assistance.

In part 2 we outlined Congressman Sherrod Brown’s voting record to determine if my description of him as being “anti-God” were justifiable and valid. My initial conclusion indicated that anyone favoring a culture of death over a culture of life was not on the same wavelength as Almighty God. In part 3 of this series we have some additional final thoughts to share about Mr. Brown, God and the election this November.


You have heard the term, RINO, referring to politicians who by their actions and voting record are Republicans in name only. Olympia Snow and Arlen Specter are two such politicians. My fellow AGC blogger here, Sam, was considered to be a DINO (a Democrat in name only) because he was rejected and not supported by the Democratic Party for his strong conservative stands on the issues.

Well, Congressman Brown is a radical liberal Democrat, his voting record speaks loud and clear that he appears to me to be a CINO (a Christian in name only). I assert this based on Matthew 7:19-21:

“Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire; you will know them by their fruits. Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord,” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father, who is in heaven will enter.”

For your information, the bible records the fact that the devil also “believes” in God and by implication, Jesus Christ. God favors a “culture of life”, after all He is the Creator of all of life, isn’t he? Brown, by his voting record, does advocate a “culture of death”, where man is elevated to the position of a god and thereby makes life and death decisions himself (herself).. By his intense support for the present educational system and the NEA I would expect him to support the theory of evolution over intelligent design or Creationism.

People of Ohio, you can make A Good Choice by rejecting this radical liberal and the radical un-American ideas that he supports and vote for the lesser of two “evils”, Mike DeWine for United States Senator this fall.

The end and, God willing, a new beginning

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brian -

    Thanks for writing. It is "Sam" who was running for office and not me, "gregjaye". You are very right, "Sam" was not welcomed by the Democratic Party.

    One of the things that Jesus Christ said was that "do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."[Matthrew 10:34

    A true follower of Jesus (an adherer to the true gospel} will often be persecuted because of his principles, which are very contrary to the ways of the world. Broad is the road to destruction, but narrow is the way to God, said Jesus.

    I cannot judge another man's heart, but by their fruit you can get some idea where a person's true heart is. In the case of Congressman Brown his actions speak louder than his rhetoric.

    By the way, did you see my comments and fellow-blogger Matt's comments in response to your statements about slavery the last time that you visited AGC?

    http://agoodchoice.blogspot.com/2006/06/words-mean-something-sometimes-good.html and



