Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Lynching is for Amateurs

Life Dynamics, Inc. (LDI), a pro-life advocacy group, has created somewhat of a stir with their campaign to bring awareness to the black community. LDI is exposing the decades long deliberate genocide being carried out by Planned Parenthood on the babies of the black community. The following are some facts that LDI uses to support its well-founded charges.

*** In America today, almost as many black babies are aborted as are born.

*** Since 1973 abortion has wiped out over 25% of America’s black population.

*** 13% of American woman are black … but they have 35% of all abortions.

*** Every three days more black people are murdered by abortion than the Ku Klux Klan killed in its entire history.

***` The Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) operates America’s largest chain of abortion clinics … and almost 80% of those death mills are located in minority neighborhoods.

*** For killing black babies the U.S. abortion industry rakes in more than $16,000 an hour … 24 hours a day … seven days a week.


As part of their campaign to expose the underlying black American genocide, which rivals the genocide being committed in Islamic countries such as the Sudan, LDI has developed a new website. The website is KlanParenthood.com. I wish I had thought of it. How appropriate. The best I could come up with was Planned (really preventing) Parenthood.

LDI's campaign has begun to make an impact, especially within the abortionist industry. Apparently someone within that industry hired a hacker to kill LDI's new website, KlanParenthood.com. The hired gun was successful in getting the site shut down for 3 days.


Black activists and leaders are waking up to what the abortionists such as PPFA is doing to their children. The are becoming aware that eugenicist and Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger had this evil genocide planned from the start. Now such people as Dr. Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, Jr. are beginning to advocate for the babies and becoming pro-life leaders themselves.


When it comes to killing Planned (Klanned) Parenthood is the real professional. According to the numbers, their specialty is black babies. You could say that the PPFA is the new KKK! Please make yourself familiar with the outrageous genocide being perpetuated on America’s children, especially its black children. Visit the website, KlanParenthood.com Tell your friends about it. If you are able financially, support groups such as Life Dynamics, Inc.

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