Sunday, August 19, 2007

Mother Earth, News You Can Use

Wake Up Lady!

Listening to the Coast to Coast Radio Show with George Noory, I heard him say that he believed the earth was alive. Ancient mythology taught that earth was a goddess which was alive. Another thought is that the earth is made up of interdependent organisms and environmental systems functioning as a single self- governing entity. (1) My thought is that the interaction of inanimate objects does not constitute life. The earth having the eruption of a volcano, geysers shooting water into the air, running water in a stream, the wind blowing in your face, or an earthquake is not life. Take seeds and place them in the soil. The seeds take on moisture and some grow while others rot. To a person's eye they both look alike yet one seed was alive while the other was not.

Living organisms take materials from the environment and use it to form the structure of the organism and to reproduce. Biological information is copied and passed onto its offspring. R. Totten states that, “life is a biological system.” (2) Yet life is more than biological. There are angels, fallen angels, and God. The word of God is living.

Many, like Carl Sagan, say that earth is just a tiny speck floating in the immenseness of space. There are billions of galaxies with billions of stars and many planets. We are insignificant. This of course is looking at life from a purely atheistic point of view. When you look up into the sky at night and see the stars: what do you think? Does it make you feel small and insignificant? Or do you think, wow, that is beautiful! On a clear night with no light pollution, the stars look like clouds in the sky declaring the glory of God.
Do you want something that is stable, unchanging, everlasting and that won’t pass away? Jesus said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away.” (3) The heavens with the earth will be rolled up as a scroll and melt with a fervent heat. So what should you do? (4) Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and repent of your sins. Pray, Lord Jesus Christ forgive me of my sin and come into my heart.
(1) P.579 Webster’s New World College dictionary.
(2) R. Totten.
(3) Luke 21:33 & Matthew 24:35.
(4) Isaiah 34:4; Psalm 102:25. 26 and 2 Peter 3:10

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