Monday, August 27, 2007

The tie that binds the Left

I wrote an article on Saturday about the AARP, mentioning the NEA and the AFL-CIO. I stated that the majority of (the membership) in these groups have values much different than the leadership of those groups who purport to represent them. I further added that all three groups smack of leftist leanings, if not outright lobbying for left-wing causes. When I put my opinion out on a public forum I was asked to prove it. This article is includes the essence of my post on the forum proving my assertion.

I picked one major social issue, abortion, to use as my proof that the AARP and the two other organizations are predominately leftist in their leanings and their actions.

1. AARP - 'Charles W. Jarvis, president and CEO of
USA Next, alleged that the AARP literally is able to give tens of millions of dollars away every single year -- to Planned Parenthood, to MALDEF, which is the Mexican American Legal Defense [and Educational] Fund, which wants to take the Southwest of the United States and redistribute it to Mexico -- that's how radical that group is. And AARP is involved in giving to all sorts of groups like those groups in every single state. In essence, they are a financier for the left." (1)

2. AFL-CIO - "Last year, (Barack Hussein) Obama got 100 percent scores from the AFL-CIO, League of Conservation Voters and Planned Parenthood and an “A” rating from the National Education Association on their most recent scorecards . . . On abortion, Obama voted against a measure designed to protect what supporters termed live babies born during abortion procedures." (2)

3. NEA - "Regarding NEA support of abortion and pro-abortion candidates, Charles W. Baird, Professor of Economics at California State University, says that "as I understand [Pope John Paul II], unions leave their legitimate spheres of influence when they…become involved in these public policy issues instead of securing the legitimate rights of workers."" (3)

4. Average Americans - "While abortion advocates marched in Washington on Sunday, pro-life groups were touting the results of a new poll showing that a majority of Americans, including African Americans and students, are pro-life on abortion. In a poll released Friday by Zogby International, a respected polling firm, a total of 56 percent agreed with one of the following pro-life views: abortion should never be legal (18 percent), legal only when the life of the mother is in danger (15 percent) or legal only when the life of the mother is in danger or in cases of rape or incest (23 percent).
Since abortions in cases of rape or incest or those necessary to save the life of the mother are extremely rare, that means a majority of Americans oppose approximately 96 percent of all abortions . . ." (4)

An examination of where the leadership of these three groups stand on other issues such as the wholesale acceptance of homosexuality and even same-sex marriage or civil unions will show similar radical leftist positions. These three organizations join the mainstream media, the Democrat Party and others in a unified attempt at knowingly or inadvertently subverting our culture.




