Thursday, March 22, 2012

Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International

This post is about one of my favorite organizations.  The Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International does a lot of good work for the LORD.  They go on medical mission trips, spreading the gospel and at the same time delivering much needed medicines to third world countries.  They go to churches and help their members to get off costly and unneeded medicines, often sparing them from unwanted side effects, while being careful not to take them off of any meds they really need.  They take blood pressure readings, do glucose monitoring and other medical diagnostics in both the mission trips and church visits.  CPFI is also a support group for Christian PharmD students (people who are studying to become a pharmacist).  They work together help each other face challenges that a Christian typically encounters in a secular institution.  They believe in the sanctity of life, that it begins at conception and that no pharmacist should be required to fill prescriptions that would go against Biblical principles.  Therefore they support legal conscience clause protections.

Click here to donate to CPFI.

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