Saturday, April 29, 2006

4 – Right from the Start

This week we have taken great pains to lay out the positions of the two Ohio Democratic candidates for U.S. Senate from Ohio. In the 2006 Democratic Primary, the two U.S. senatorial candidates, Sherrod Brown and “Sam” Keiser are diametrically opposed on most issues including:

· . . . God’s Place in Government, Education and Society

· . . . Matters of Life and Death such as Abortion, Euthanasia, Cloning, and the Death Penalty (as a measure of justice and as a deterrent to crime)

· . . . National Security to include a strong military, enforcement of our borders and illegal aliens, Develop our energy independence by permitting drilling for oil and building oil refineries and nuclear plants, by aggressively pursuing alternative fuels using the buying power and example of government to lead the way, and by rejecting any and all international organizations or treaties that weaken our national sovereignty

· . . . Financial Accountability including Dealing with the Deficit, Balancing Spending with Available Revenue, making the Social Security System Solvent for the Long-Term, Replacing the Income Tax with some kind of Consumption or Sales Tax

· . . . Social Issues, such as the role and importance of families and the need to provide support to this most important of societal units. Other social issues include: allowing and funding parental choice in how and where they educate their children, requiring an emphasis on preventive health care outlook on the part of providers and personal responsibility on the part of health care consumers. Another social issue which we need to address involves rejecting the sanction of any form of immorality. Nor shuld we offer any special protection of anti-discrimination laws in the name of tolerance for immoral conduct.

Please carefully review the previous week's postings. They will shed light on the positions of each candidate, then vote. . . make A Good Choice.

There are now only 4 days until Ohio Voters can make A Good Choice on Tuesday, May 2nd in the Democratic Primary Election!


  1. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Reading through this blog, it is obvious that you support the current right-wing government on virtually all issues, and on social issues you're even more radical. Calling yourself a Democrat is an insult to me and the entire party from which you claim to be a part of.

  2. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Is there a picture of you where you DON'T look like a sweaty pig?

  3. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Honestly, your platform is an insult to a country which deems itself the land of the free. Your main mission appears to push the government in terms of the literal translation of the bible. Separation of Church and State was one of this country's most powerful and important attributes when it was founded. The originally settlers left England for reasons including the King's oppression of his religious values upon the people. How can you say you are right for Ohio when you blatantly disregard one of America's fundamental freedoms? Your immoral (though self-claimed righteous) platform is a disgrace to the country, and even more so to the Democratic Party. And concerning your support of death towards people who you take God's greatest gift from a person in His own name? One day, you too will be judged.

  4. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Honestly, your platform is an insult to a country which deems itself the land of the free. Your main mission appears to push the government in terms of the literal translation of the bible. Separation of Church and State was one of this country's most powerful and important attributes when it was founded. The originally settlers left England for reasons including the King's oppression of his religious values upon the people. How can you say you are right for Ohio when you blatantly disregard one of America's fundamental freedoms? Your immoral (though self-claimed righteous) platform is a disgrace to the country, and even more so to the Democratic Party. And concerning your support of death towards people who you feel are "immoral"- who are you take God's greatest gift from a person in His own name? One day, you too will be judged.

  5. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Im still waiting for you to be man enough to reply to anyone. You hiding in your truck barn pretending you are the king of all the issues just proves how much of a spineless pouting baby you really are. So take your hair pins out and lets get dirty Sally. Or are you just as much of a coward as i have made you out to be.

    You are a disgrace sir a true disgeace
