Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I Claim No Chimp As My Kin!

The following are some of my comments that I made on the Intelligent Design Debate Forum this week.


What if the theory of evolution is wrong?

How about those rejecting the THEORY of evolution having a superior explanation for the origin of matter and man?

The evidence – what our eyes see and what our brains logically conclude - that the great complexity of life – its systems and subsystems, its diversity and the near perfect environmental balance that sustains it, have been designed and created by One who had a plan and an idea in mind from the beginning and not by some random series of chance,

Evolution is less science, and is more pretend.


If animals “love” or show “compassion” it is as a result of conditioning or on is only on a very rudimentary level.

Animals exist primarily to provide mankind with food, and clothing, companionship. Animals lack the potential spirit which man is capable of possessing. Animals are inferior creatures in nearly every sense. Only man has the capacity for nearly unlimited evil as well as for almost limitless good. Man is the only moral physical being on earth.


People note that we must come from monkeys, look, scientists have found that there is less than 3-4% difference in genetic make-up between us and chimpanzees. Actually Ann Coulter points out in her book that there is less of genetic difference than that as she writes in her book Godless, on page 231:

"The (Darwin) cult members are especially dazzled by the similr DNA in all living creatures. The human genome is 98.7 percent identical with the chimpanzees. On the basis of this intriguing fact, psychology professor Roger Fouts of Center Washington University argues that humans "are simply odd looking apes" in a book titled Next of Kin: What Chimpanzees Have Taught Me About Who We Are.

"Except the genome argument proves too much. The human genome is 35 percent identical to that of a daffodil. I think even a Darwiniac would admit humans are not 35 percent identical to a daffodil. Again, the cult's smoking gun of evolutionary proof turns out to be an imaginary water pistol."

I don't know about you but I for one do not claim the chimp as my kin. They are an entirely different species unrelated to man other than a few similar characteristics in appearance, that's all.


Everyone who disagrees with evolution is not an ignorant unthinking and lazy “religious” fanatic. The political correct elite of our day are most protective of this flawed theory. It gives them what they believe is a firm foundation for elevating man to the status of god and obviate the need or necessity or the reality of the true God.

Our schools and the textbooks they use are de-emphasizing or even trying to eliminate the reality of the Christian influence in the founding of our nation. They have done an excellent job in a relatively short time in taking God, Jesus Christ, prayer and the Judeo-Christian bible out of the schools and substituting another inferior religion – secular humanism. After all, evolution is a key creed of this religion.

Any scientist or scientific organization such as the
Discovery Institute or the Institute for Creation Research who DARES to stray from an absolute allegiance to evolution creed is besmirched, banned, ridiculed, everything but “tolerated”.

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