Monday, October 16, 2006

Ted Strickland, Strictly Wrong for Ohio

I recently was made aware of a pro-Ted Strickland website called Equality Ohio. I am finding that nearly every word mouthed by the extreme liberal left needs to be tested. They are so prone to deceive through their words. They lie, to put it more bluntly. You must scrutinize the words for the real meanings behind their words. The name “Equality Ohio” is really “Discrimination against anyone who is not politically correct in Ohio.” True bible-believing born-again Christians are not usually politically correct. Political correctness, by its very nature and definition, is usually in direct opposition to the Judeo-Christian biblical principles and mandates.

As an example, the “Equality Ohio" website states that it recently released, "Two Visions", a video that highlights religious extremism in Ohio. What do they mean by “religious extremism”? Is it radical Muslims beheading innocent kidnap victims? Or are they talking about moral absolute holding, true Christian followers of Jesus Christ? See the video. I watched the video for myself.

What “Two Visions” seems to be saying to me is that Ohio belongs to the following:

· The homosexuals

· The lesbians

· The bisexuals

· The transgenders

Near the end of the video we see a worked up crowd repeatedly chanting “Our state”, “Our lives”, “Our home”. I interpreted that to mean the people supporting the likes of Ted Strickland, openly embrace those immoral, unnatural, ungodly behaviors of people with these alternative lifestyles. This very radical position is obviously pointed exclusion of and discriminatory toward all who do not believe “their enlightened way”, the politically correct way. You can imagine them saying, “Shame on any true born-again bible-believing Christians, you “religious extremists”, who dare to be intolerant toward such perversity.

This is Congressman Ted Strickland’s message isn’t it? He was portrayed in the video as promoting diversity, “equality” and “tolerance”.

Yet, the message that came out loud and clear to me is that they (Equality Ohio and Ted Strickland) reject and do not "tolerate" true Christians ( “religious extremists”?), we do not tolerate your God, Jesus Christ or the truth.

Does Ohio “belong” to the homosexuals, the lesbians, the bisexuals, the transgerders? I for one say, “No, it is not your EXCLUSIVE state, life and home. . . This is America, where we still embrace morality and justice." Ohio belongs to ALL the people. We have a right to live in a state that recognizes good and evil, right from wrong. These immoral lifestyles, named above, should be neither accepted, condoned nor embraced by any moral or just government or society. They are nothing but a corrupting force on the individual and on society.

Ted Strickland is at best a pseudo-Christian, as evidenced by his support for such behaviors. To see a clear assessment on where Congressman Strickland stands on important social issues from a biblical perspective see

Congressman Strickland, you are not right for Ohio! The vote on November 7th comes down to some degree, good versus evil. Make A Good Choice, Ohio!

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