Sunday, October 01, 2006

Darwin & Associates versus God, No Contest

The following article is a collaborative effort of Sam and gregjaye.

In church today the following was sung:

"Holy, holy, holy! Though the darkness hide Thee, Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see; Only Thou art holy; there is none beside Thee, Perfect in pow’r, in love, and purity."

That is were any debate on evolution versus creationism must start.

“In the beginning God CREATED the havens and the earth . . .”

It is through faith that we understand that the world was created by the Word of God. Evolution is the creation of a flawed, imperfect faithless and evil mind. Evolution is a LIE from the pit of preposterousity. Today the elite in many fields, such as jurisprudence, government, religion, science, medicine, education, etc., make the false assumption that the theory of evolution is fact. It is a theory that is unproven and contrary to the laws of nature. It is even bad science to accept something as fact that has so many errors in it and cannot be replicated.

Why do the elite secular humanists in power in the educational establishment and in the scientific community loath the teaching of ANY alternative explanation of the origin of matter and life? Obviously, they are trying to protect a necessary pillar of their flimsy secular philosophical construct.

All children should be taught the truth, as known by our Forefathers, that the Creator (the Lord Jesus Christ) is the source of our rights and freedom as Americans. The rights and liberties that we all have and enjoy as Americans come from God. Our forefathers knew and acknowledged it. Evolution assumes that there is no God and provides individuals with no rights, no liberty and no personal responsibility to a Creator.

"The Creator endowed us with inalienable rights". --- U. S. Constitution, 1776.

No, the elite secular humanists and their vast left wing co-conspirators desire to rewrite our textbooks and to purge every vestige of God and Jesus Christ from our schools and from our society.

There is a battle raging where evil and lies seek to triumph over good and truth. There is a battle raging in America for the minds and hearts of our children. We cannot to sit ideally by an allow the secular humanists to continue to establish their wicked religion and their false and perverted worldview. There is no intellectual honesty and freedom when Creation and Intelligent Design cannot be taught with or in lieu of the theory of evolution.

School boards should require their schools to teach these concepts as part of their curriculum. This is not a matter of separation of church and state, it is a matter of intellectual honesty and freedom, and the very survival of the nation.

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