Wednesday, November 08, 2006

’06 Election, Picking Up the Pieces

Richard Viguerie, political conservative strategist, in a article today was quoted as saying that yesterday’s election showed that the Republican Party “failed conservatives who put them in office, and they failed the people of this country.” I agree. More than a referendum favoring the flawed fragmented false liberal promises, principles and agenda, the results of this election were a repudiation of George Bush and the Republican Party. The voters voted against the GOP more than they voted for the Democratic Party. The GOP and Bush strayed far from the principles and reasons why I elected and then supported them until the bitter end, November 7, 2006.

In that same article Vigueie is quoted as saying, "Conservatives and value voters had long since felt betrayed by President Bush and the Republican Congress, which greatly reduced their enthusiasm for supporting those who had abandoned them. . . One thing this election was not is a repudiation of conservativsm. The twin pillars of conservatism - smaler government and traditional values - have the support of the same voters who threw out the Republican Congress." Further quoting, Viguerie, "Conservative Republicans should quickly disassociate themselves from the failed big government policies of President Bush and set a conservaive course." The gist of the article is captured in its title, "Angry Viguerie: Fire GOP Leadership". I agree Denny Hastert must step down along with the other leaders and give over Party leadership to fresh, conservative voices.

Ken Mehlman, Republican National Committee Chairman, said in a item today that he was disappointed on a number of levels with the Democratic victories. Although, ‘2 years’ late and ‘billions and billions of dollars deeper in deficit’ short, Mehlman has the nerve to say his party must take the following action:

· “First and foremost, rededicate themselves to their “conservative, reform principles.”

· “Second, he said Republicans must “try to work where we can on a bipartisan basis with Democrats.” While maintaining conservative principles.

· “And finally, he said Republicans must lose the taint of corruption. . . “”

The article concludes, “Mehlman said “there’s no reason” why Republicans and Democrats can’t work together on national security (the threat posed by “Islamic fascism”) immigration reform and health care reform. I ask, why have Republicans not been doing this all along? Why did it have to take a resounding defeat to get the GOP’s attention? The GOP, as well as the conservative movement, have both suffered a set-back. I would advise the Republican Party to clean house including canning Ken Mehlman and bringing in party new Chairman to begin the rebuilding process immediately.

In an October 4, 2006
article, Bill Berkowitz quotes Richard Viguerie, who prophetically said, “Many times, if not most times, our best success has come after defeat.” Berkowitz also writes, “less than a week before the November 2004 election, Viguerie told . . . Bill Moyers that after Bush won, “somewhere around the morning after the election . . . the war starts for the heart and soul” of the Republican Party. It’s gonna be a war, Viguerie said. A war “between the traditional conservatives, those who identify with Ronald Reagan, people like myself (a)nd the big government Republicans (a)nd then also maybe the Neo-cons.”” Viguerie was right. The big-government Republicans beat the traditional conservatives, only to lo lose to the Democrats on 11.07.07.

Concerning the big government Republican defeat of the traditional conservatives prior to the 2006 Election, Berkowitz writes, “Sometimes” Viguerie maintained, “a loss for the Republican Party is a gain for conservatives.” . . .

So what do we do? Sit back and let the radical liberals in control of the Democratic Party destroy this country the next two years? Berkowitz writes, “As Frederick Clarkson . .. observed in a . . . posting at the Talk To Action blog, “Although Viguerie is calling for the movement to pull back from the GOP for now, he seems to be arguing that conservatives need to reorganize and become a stronger force in the GOP rather than bolt” to Howard Phillips’ Constitution Party or any other third party effort.”

In the article cited above Viguerie also admonished ". . . grass-roots conservatives must no longer act as an appendage of the Republican Party. We should concentrate instead on becoming a Third Force in American politics that forces both parties to the Right and sets the Nation's agenda. In that regard, we should reach out to the new Deomcrats of 2006 and see whether they are indeed prepared to vote diferently from San Francisco Democrats. . . "

I look forward to 2008 when America, by then will be fed up with the lack-of-action, except for taxing and spending, liberals, even more than the big government Republican over-spenders, will be ready to elect traditional conservatives to whichever party that will embrace them: Democratic, or Republican or Constitutional or another Party.


  1. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Here is a link to a American Conservative Uniion news release about The Meaning of the Midterms

  2. Someone just sent me a link to an American Conservative Union news release, The Meaning of the Midterms

  3. At least Mary Taylor won the State Auditor seat. She was my favorite choice in this election. She would make a good Gubernatorial candidate in 2010.
