Monday, April 30, 2007


How does reckless Senator Harry "Cut & Run" Reid do it? Why do both he and Nancy "I am the Most Powerful Woman in the World" Pelosi have such a penchant for riling up the troops, and such an aversion for rallying the troops, at least the American ones? These two are doing everything possible to undermine the war effort.
President Bush will veto the defense appropriations bill, which includes a set surrender date. Let's hope and pray that the Democrats will agree to untie Bush's hands so the military will be allowed to gain the victory in Iraq. We must prevail in Iraq and keep the terrorists at bay. Otherwise, cutting and running will only embolden the Islamic terrorists, who will then cut loose on us here in America.
It seems to me that the Democrats see any victory by coalition forces as a defeat for them, and therefore would reduce their chances to retain and expand their political power. Unfortunately, for the Democrat leadership, including Reid and Pelosi, maintaining and expanding their power is of paramount importance to them. As the GOP found out in November, however, the American electorate does not appreciate the misuse or abuse of power.
A friend of A Good Choice . . ., TD, emailed us the above excellent Michael Ramirez cartoon. The cartoon captures the essence of Reid's cowardly approach. Ramirez's cartoons can be found on the Center for Individual Freedom (CFIF) website. We recently wrote an article about Senator CutnRun Reid.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Greg, I notice that it seems nobody is mentioning the 2nd reason
    President Bush should veto the above mentioned bill. Pork barrel
    spending! TD.
