Saturday, April 21, 2007

Reid, a Traitor or Just Daffy?

Sen. Harry "Daffy" Reid?
Sen. Harry Reid-Arnold?

Is the Senate Democrat Majority Leader, Sen. Harry Reid, trying to outdo or to just be more outrageous and more traitorous than his Democrat counterpart in the U.S. House of Reprehensives, the reprehensive Nancy “I am the most powerful woman in the world” Pelosi? Or is Harry Reid just daft? Maybe he is all of the above.
Pelosi goes to see President Bashar al-Assad of terrorist sponsoring and supporting Syria, which is giving aid and comfort to the very enemies of America fighting in Iraq. She contemplates going to see Iranian neo-Hitler President to just "chat"? However, she refuses to talk to the President of the United States of America, the Commander-in-chief? She acts like she is an Ambassador and the Secretary of State. More like the Queen of Donkeys if you ask me. Is she trying to establish a shadow government? I question her loyalty to America.
This week on Sunday, April 19th, Sen. Reid made the statement “This war (in Iraq) is lost, and that the surge is not accomplishing anything, as indicated by the extreme violence in Iraq yesterday.” Can you believe making such a statement right in the middle of the war? He not only does withhold support for the military's revised strategy for the war, but he belittles it. By doing so, he demoralizes the troops. He emboldens the enemy. Our enemies and their supporters are quoting him like crazy. He is their hero.
Does he and Pelosi not want America to win the war? Are they only afraid that if we do win the war and President Bush is somehow vindicated that Senator Reid and his cowardly comrades-in-harm would lose power? What would be worse, losing a few seats in Congress, or losing this war to the Islamic-terrorists and the repressive regimes that back them, Iran, Syria and China? I know by your treasonous statements Senator Harry where you stand. Wake up Senator Reid and get a grip on yourself and on reality.
Shame on you, Senator Reid, and shame on you Reprehensive Nancy “I am the most powerful woman in the world” Pelosi. You both encapsulate the very worst elements of politics. You both are as much enemies of America as Osama Bin Laden or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. You and your comrades-in-harm, the Democrat Party leadership, conspire by your words and actions that you want the Islamic terrorists to win the war on terror in Iraq. I call upon both to resign. You are both traitors. You both have committed treason. You both are unfit to hold office any longer. I call on the Department of Justice to bring charges against you. Failing to resign, or failing to be prosecuted for treason against this country, you both must go the next time you are face election!
See radical Reid YouTube video capturing his treasonous tones . . .

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