Wednesday, October 21, 2020

What Democrats Want, Day 14 Countdown to Oblivion, SOCIAL JUSTICE (Part 2)

As of Tuesday, there were 14 days until the most consequential election in American history. This is what they say about many past elections, but this is really it. For if the Democrats seize power – control of the U.S. House, the U.S. Senate and the Presidency – and doing it by hook or by crook (the justifies the means, you know) America as we know it will be forever changed. America envisioned and created by the Founding Fathers will disappear into the shadows of history.

The ungodly secular-humanists/Marxists slow march through America’s institutions over the last 100 years or so will have reached a crescendo – fulfilling Mr. Obama’s fundamental transformation of control of the masses.

Envision with me what a Socialist Democratic Party, takeover, a bloodless coup, a regime change, would look like. This is one in a series of daily articles leading up to the 2020 General Election.


IN the previous post we talked about social media and its opposition to telling the truth. In this post we will discuss social justice and its twisting of the truth. We also discussed social justice and equal justice previously (see Day 85 post).


Democratic Deception

The cry of the Left, the cry of the Democrats is social justice. What happened to good old-fashioned justice? Why must social justice be hyphenated? Why does ‘American’ need a qualifier, such as Hispanic-American, Hungarian-American, Asian-American, Italian-America, Native American, African-American etc.? Aren’t we all Americans?


Social Justice

The dictionary definition of justice is the “fair treatment of all people in a society, including respect for the rights of minorities and equitable distribution of resources among members of a community.’s definition for social justice is “a political and philosophical theory which asserts that there are dimensions to the concept of justice beyond those embodied in the principles of civil or criminal law, economic supply and demand, or traditional moral frameworks. Social justice tends to focus more on just relations between groups within society as opposed to the justice of individual conduct or justice for individuals.”

Above all, social justice is a Marxist concept best explain by Julie Roy’s assessment of the concept:  “Proponents of social justice view the world through a Marxist lens that places people into two categories - that of being either the oppressed or the oppressor. Because of slavery, gender inequalities, and the antipathy toward the Judeo-Christian view of the family, the oppressed generally are believed to be minorities, women, and homosexuals.

One component of social justice that has infiltrated academia, the government deep state, the Democratic Party and the mainstream media is intersectionality, which we discuss next.


Intersectionality describes intersectionality as, “The theory that various forms of discrimination centered on race, gender, class, disability, sexuality, and other forms of identity, do not work independently but interact to produce particularized forms of social oppression. As such, oppression is the result of intersecting forms of exclusionary practices. It is thus suggested that the study of identity-based discrimination needs to identify and take account of these intersectionalities.” Another source defined intersectionality as, “the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage.”

My reply to intersectionality is that there is only one race, the human race, but there are many ethnicities. There are only two sexes/genders, male and female.

The Left, including the Democratic Party, wages war on the classes. They pit on class of persons against another to advance their regressive agenda.

This is all part of revolutionary tactics meant to disrupt and eventually to destroy societies and fundamentally transform them into a Marxist utopia, which is a proven impossibility. The title of one Internet article says it all, “Social Justice is Marxism i.e. Cancer.”


Accusations and Strategies of the Left

The Democrats use social justice as a tactic to hurt President Trump, conservatism, and Christianity. The cries of racism, white supremacy, homophobia, transphobia, etc. are tossed around incessantly. Even in education schools are teaching the lies about the founding of the nation using the 1619 Project or the Comprehensive (and pornographic) Sex Education (CSE) programs by Planned Parenthood and others.

On the other hand, President Trump and some Republicans want justice to be served to the likes of Hillary Clinton, James Comey, John Brennan, etc. for their cover-up crimes.

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