As of today, there are 25 days until the most consequential election in American history. This is what they say about many past elections, but this is really it. For if the Democrats seize power – control of the U.S. House, the U.S. Senate and the Presidency – and doing it by hook or by crook (the justifies the means, you know) America as we know it will be forever changed. America envisioned and created by the Founding Fathers will disappear into the shadows of history.
The ungodly secular-humanists/Marxists slow
march through America’s institutions over the last 100 years or so will have
reached a crescendo – fulfilling Mr. Obama’s fundamental transformation of control
of the masses.
Envision with me what a Socialist Democratic Party, takeover, a bloodless coup, a regime change, would look like. This is one in a series of daily articles leading up to the 2020 General Election.
IS marijuana a good thing? Many people in the United State and even more people in the Democratic Party believe that it should be legalized. During the 2020 Democratic Primary Election Presidential debates 2020 the candidates including Sen. Kamala Harris the current Democratic V.P. candidate almost all agree on: removing marijuana from the federal list of controlled substances.
However, perhaps for political expediency, the legalization of marijuana and decriminalizing its use on the federal level were not included in the 2020 Democratic platform.
Support for Recreational Marijuana Use in an article earlier this year commented about the extent of legalization among the states: “Ten states and the District of Columbia have legalized recreational marijuana use and more states have signaled interest in doing so. Public opinion has shifted in favor of legalization, with 61% of Americans believing marijuana should be legal. Democrats support it even more, with 76% favoring legal marijuana, according to a 2018 poll of 2,348 American adults.”
States (and Washington, D.C.) allowing recreational marijuana usage according to are:
Ø Alaska
Ø California
Ø Colorado
Ø Illinois
Ø Maine
Ø Massachusetts
Ø Michigan
Ø Nevada
Ø Oregon
Ø Vermont
Ø Washington
Ø Washington, D.C.
Most of the states are either on the West Coast or on the East Coast. Most states are heavily Democratic. Suffice it to say that the Democrats almost universally support use of marijuana, while much less Republicans do not.
Is Marijuana Use Risky?
Psychology Today article, “Is Marijuana a Gateway Drug?” is a well-balanced discussion of the subject of marijuana. The article explains that marijuana could be considered a gateway drug, but as more and more states legalize it may be more socially acceptable and may lead to less usage of harder drugs. Nevertheless, “Marijuana has potentially harmful effects in the short-term and long-term on physical and mental health.
“Marijuana’s potential negative short-term effects:
“While intoxicated by marijuana, the following effects can be observed in users:
- Memory consolidation difficulties
- Anxiety, paranoia, and panic attacks
- Increased probability of psychotic symptoms
- Hallucinations
- Decreased reaction time
- Increased risk of heart attack and stroke
- Coordination problems (impairs driving)
- Sexual dysfunction (mostly for males)
“Marijuana’s potential negative long-term effects:
“Repeated use of cannabis over a longer period has been associated with longer-term problems that may include:
- Lower IQ (especially when use starts early)
- Poor school or work performance
- Impaired ability to perform complex tasks
- Lower life satisfaction
- Relationship problems
- Antisocial behavior (stealing money, lying)
- Financial difficulties and unemployment
- Addiction”
These possible effects along with strong potential that marijuana may lead to use of harder drugs should cause individuals and states to think twice about using it or legalizing it for recreational purposes.
Democrats are for furthering opening pandora’s box by supporting or not resisting the legalization of recreational marijuana. The Republican Party does not support and would resist easing current laws prohibiting the use of marijuana. Voters have a clear choice: seeing the country go up in smoke (Democrats) or preventing the fires from even starting (Republicans).
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