Sunday, October 25, 2020

What Democrats Want, Day 9 Countdown to Oblivion, SOCIALISM (Part 2)

As of today, there are just 9 days until the most consequential election in American history. This is what they say about many past elections, but this is really it. For if the Democrats seize power – control of the U.S. House, the U.S. Senate and the Presidency – and doing it by hook or by crook (the justifies the means, you know) America as we know it will be forever changed. America envisioned and created by the Founding Fathers will disappear into the shadows of history.

The ungodly secular-humanists/Marxists slow march through America’s institutions over the last 100 years or so will have reached a crescendo – fulfilling Mr. Obama’s fundamental transformation of control of the masses.

Envision with me what a Socialist Democratic Party, takeover, a bloodless coup, a regime change, would look like. This is one in a series of daily articles leading up to the 2020 General Election.


SOCIALISM is such a bad idea. America’s Founding Fathers were not socialists. They developed and believed in a representative constitutional republican form of government that emphasized individual freedom and limited government.

Socialism is the antithesis of American capitalism or free enterprise. The Democratic Party has transitioned to favor and pursue democratic socialism, which is their vision for America.

Early on in this countdown to the election series we discussed socialism (see the Day 83 post).


Democratic Socialism Defined captures the essence of what democratic socialism is with this description found in its article, “What is Democratic Socialism?”:

“Although there are several reasons to oppose democratic socialism, one could argue that the primary reason is that it is antithetical to everything this great nation was founded and built upon: freedom, federalism, private property rights, and self-reliance are integral to the American experiment. However, these bedrock principles are outright rejected by the DSA (the Democratic Socialist of America) in favor of totalitarianism, an expansive federal government, income redistribution, government dependence, and the placement of the collective above the individual.


Democratic Socialism Applied


A Facebook friend and fellow Ohioan, Don Krahel, had a cogent message for anyone who may be considering voting for Joe Biden, but especially for all #NeverTrumper people inside and outside of the Republican Party.


You can see the direction that the Democratic Party wants to take America. It is socialism-Marxism-communism. I have included his message below. It would be well for every reader to seriously consider the grim consequences for American of electing a Harris-Biden presidency.






Think very seriously about this! Do you really want socialism? Is Socialism really your agenda?


Socialism is government control!


With 20% socialism you have only 80% freedom! With 50% socialism you have only 50% freedom 100% socialism you have no freedom.


Socialism is “The Road to Serfdom.” Read Hayek’s book! Remember Government’s foot on our neck during the Covid lockdown!


Socialism is a mirage of empty promises that has caused over 100,000,000 deaths.


The alternative to Trump is Socialism with evil Democrats

·        who viciously tried to destroy Kavanaugh,

·        their phony Obama led Russia collusion probe,

·        their criminal deception of the FISA court,

·        their attempted coup with an obvious phony impeachment of Trump with rubbish evidence.


Do you want open borders with easy flow of drugs?


Do you want sanctuary cities that harbor illegal alien criminals?


Do you want to allow illegal aliens to vote?


Do you want free health care and free education for illegals?


Do you support more justices on SCOTUS for leftist control?


Do you want D.C. and Puerto Rico statehood just to get four more Democrat Senators?


Do you want to cancel the senate filibuster?


Dems condone the chaos, the rioting and burning of our cities, do you not care?


Do you care that Biden bribed Ukraine and the Dem Congress ignored it?


Will you ignore Biden fondling young girls?


Please, please consider this evil Dem agenda. It will destroy our America!


Do you approve of all these evil Dem actions? Is that who you are? Can you not see that Dems are evil? What is your real agenda? What America fits your agenda?


Please set aside your enmity toward Trump! Put America first!


Do you approve of the Democrat anti-God agenda of …

·        killing babies (abortion),

·        same sex ‘marriage,’

·        no prayer in school,

·        no Ten Commandments,

·        all sex bathrooms, and

·        homosexual Scoutmasters to lead your sons?


Vote Democrat and you are complicit in this evil. To drive the getaway car makes you guilty of bank robbery. Democrats are evil. Your Dem vote authorizes this anti-God evil. Vote Democrat to bet your soul there is no Hell! Repent now! It’s not too late!


Does truth make you rile at me? Do you blame the mirror when you see a pimple?



Don Krahel 

St. Clairsville, OH


If you want bigger, more intrusive government, more taxes, less freedom then vote Democrat. If you want more limited government, fair taxes and individual liberty vote Republican. Though far from perfect, the Republican Party and its candidates offer the best hope for the future. Socialism has NEVER worked. It will not work here in the United States. Voters reject it, reject the Democratic Party and all of its candidates in the 2020 Election and forever.

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