Monday, October 05, 2020

What Democrats Want, Day 29, Countdown to Oblivion? FUTURE

OUR-children (see Day 64 post) are our future. If that is true what will the future look like for them? Right now, looking at what is happening on our college campuses and the streets the future seems mostly cloudy rather than bright.

The Fate of the Next Generation

Dr. James Dobson wrote in an op ed titled, The stakes are high this election year,”There is a battle waging in the classrooms and our communities for the hearts and souls of our children and grandchildren. Our young ones are being force-fed a radical agenda that is godless, anti-American and sexually perverted. Make no mistake, the left and secular culture want your sons and daughters as their own. As parents, our children’s spiritual formation is job No. 1, and we need to be extremely careful to whom we give the power to shape our children.” So, which party would enable this brainwashing? It is clear that with the support of organizations like Teacher Unions (NEA and AFT), Human Rights Campaign (HRC), and the ACLU are big supporters of Democrats that they promote what is going on today with America’s children. The Republicans for the most part believe in the founders’ values and oppose much of what is going on in our schools K-12 and in our colleges and universities.


A Communistic Democratic Future

The following is what the future will look like if the Democratic Party wins the 2020 U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Presidency in 2020 or 2024:


Ø  The ECONOMY will collapse and will be folded into a global governance headed by China, Russia, the European Union and what remains of the United States. Businesses will be taxed and regulated out of existence. The government will nationalize industries, including healthcare, energy, manufacturing, etc.

Ø   The GOVERNMENT will be permanently ruled by the Democratic Party. The Constitution will be retired. A new constitution will give power to a ruling council made up of key Democratic “leaders” who will dictate policy.

Ø  The MEDIA will be controlled by the Government. The media will become a key branch of the government. The media will conform to the dictates of the ruling council.

Ø  The ARTS and ENTERTAINMENT will be controlled by the government. Artists, actors and sports players will all be employed by the government.

Ø  The state RELIGION will be secular-humanism and all other religions will be subservient to the state. Licenses will be granted to religious bodies in order for them to operate. Violators will be prosecuted.

Ø  FAMILIES will be redefined to include any combination of men and women and children. The government and not the parent will be ultimately responsible for the development and the career track of children. MARRIAGE will become a thing of the past; it will be done away with.

Ø  Only state-run SCHOOLS will be allowed to exist, K through College. Teacher unions will become agencies of the government and will dictate the curriculum for schools and professional programs.


A Constitutional Republican Future

The following is what the future will look like if the Republican Party retains the U.S. Senate, retakes the U.S. House of Representatives and keeps the U.S. Presidency in 2020 or 2024:

Ø  Once the Communist Chinese Coronavirus nonsense ends on 11-4-2020 the economy will gradually return to pre-COVID-19 glory. It will take several years to fully recover, but the backbone of the economy – small businesses – will re-emerge to their key position with the help and support of the Republican Congress. Minorities will be encouraged and supported to enter the market. The U.S. will once again manufacture the bulk of their products here giving many Americans jobs.

Ø  GOVERNMENT will continue to be downsized. Regulations and taxes will be kept to a minimum. Reduction of the debt will be a chief priority of both the executive and the legislative branches. The U.S. will be working toward a balanced budget.

Ø  Competition will be encouraged in the MEDIA. Taxpayer funding of PBS and NPR should be eliminated making public broadcasting more competitive for funding. Some of the monopolistic broadcast and cable entities will be broken up. Special protections for social media giants must end and these monopolies may also need to be broken up.

Ø  ARTS and ENTERTAINMENT will be allowed to operate freely except for pornographic content which will be monitored and fined as appropriate.

Ø  RELIGION and religious expression will be protected in and outside of the local churches. True freedom of religion will encourage and permitted throughout the culture, society and business. Rights of conscience will also be recognized and protected.

Ø  Policies encouraging abstinence before marriage and programs emphasizing the importance of FAMILY (defined as a biological man and a biological woman with biological and/or adopted children). Parents will have the ultimate responsibility and final say in the development and welfare of their children.

Ø  There will be a wide array of SCHOOLS available for parents to select for their children. Vouchers will be provided parents where payment will follow the child in whatever school, homeschool situation they choose. Programs will be offered encouraging basic fatherhood concepts and motherhood concepts and basic marriage principles for older students. Teaching true American History, basic civics will be standards which will be tested prior to graduation.  



Voters have an opportunity in this election season to choose two very divergent paths or futures for America. One path is free-enterprise and freedom (vote Republican) and the other is communism and slavery (vote Democratic).

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