Wednesday, October 14, 2020

What Democrats Want, Day 20, Countdown to Oblivion MILITARY

As of today, there are 20 days until the most consequential election in American history. This is what they say about many past elections, but this is really it. For if the Democrats seize power – control of the U.S. House, the U.S. Senate and the Presidency – and doing it by hook or by crook (the justifies the means, you know) America as we know it will be forever changed. America envisioned and created by the Founding Fathers will disappear into the shadows of history.

The ungodly secular-humanists/Marxists slow march through America’s institutions over the last 100 years or so will have reached a crescendo – fulfilling Mr. Obama’s fundamental transformation of control of the masses.

Envision with me what a Socialist Democratic Party, takeover, a bloodless coup, a regime change, would look like. This is one in a series of daily articles leading up to the 2020 General Election.


THERE are many things that distinguish the two major political parties in America. A major difference between the Democrats and the Republicans overall can be seen in how each regards the military One party, the Republicans, regards the military very highly, supports and respects it. While the  other (Democrats) holds the military in low esteem, misuses it, and disrespects it.


The Military

A article asks and answers the question, “What is the military? In simple terms, the U.S. Armed Forces are made up of the six military branches: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Navy and, most recently, Space Force.

“There are three general categories of military people: active duty (full-time soldiers and sailors), reserve & guard forces (usually work a civilian job, but can be called to full-time military duty), and veterans and retirees (past members of the military). And of course, there are the millions of family members and friends of military members, past and present.’


The Military and the Democratic Party


Its mistreatment and underserving of the American veterans during the Obama years shows how many Democrats feel about the military. Wikipedia noted “The Veterans Health Administration scandal of 2014 is a reported pattern of negligence in the treatment of United States military veterans. Critics charged that patients at the VHA hospitals had not met the target of getting an appointment within 14 days. In some hospitals, the staff falsified appointment records to appear to meet the 14-day target. Some patients died while they were on the waiting list; reports differ about whether they died because of the delay. CNN reported on April 30, 2014 that at least 40 United States Armed Forces veterans died while waiting for care at the Phoenix, Arizona, Veterans Health Administration facilities. By June 5, 2014, Veterans Affairs internal investigations had identified 35 veterans who had died while waiting for care in the Phoenix VHA system.” adds in an article, “Too little, too late for veterans under Obamaadds this,At least 293 veterans died while on these wait-lists a problem confirmed to be systematic at VA facilities nationwide. Yet in spite of this travesty the VA distributed over $140 million in bonuses in 2014.” It seems clear that the care for Veterans was not a priority of the Obama Administration.

In contrast, President Trump has improved health care service to Veterans during his first term in office.

Active Military

Under the Obama Administration military spending was down. The size of the military force at the end of Obama’s presidency was smaller than when he took office. The military equipment was also aging. Instead of concentrating of building up the military, Obama Administration military leaders spoke out about ‘national-security dangers’ associated with climate change. Obama did little about securing the borders, which was and continues to be a real national-security danger. (reference: “Fact Check: Has President Obama 'Depleted' The Military?”)

President Trump increased spending, the size of the military, added the space force and updated equipment.


In conducting the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, “Soldiers Say Rules of Engagement Hinder Them.What is a ‘rule of engagement’? defines it as, “A military directive that delineates the limitations and circumstances under which forces will initiate and prosecute combat engagement with other forces encountered.” Under the Obama Administration the rules of engagement were over restrictive. One online website article describes those restrictions as, “our government’s incessant tightening of already restrictive Rules of Engagement, compounded by the failed COIN (Counterinsurgency) strategy—also known as “winning hearts and minds,” has made an otherwise primitive enemy formidable. Our best and brightest come home in body bags as politicians and lawyers dine over white linen tablecloths; writing, modifying, and re-modifying these lethal rules…rules that favor the enemy rather than the American soldier. Rules so absurd they’re difficult to believe until you hear the same stories over and again from those returning from battle.”

When President Trump took office, he removed those rules of engagement which lead to better results. Under President Trump the military was able to take out two key terrorists

Social Engineering

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Repealed “ is a article, which describes the repeal in 2010 under the Obama Administration of the policy prohibiting openly homosexual and lesbians serving in the military. "Don't ask, don't tell" (DADT) had been the official United States policy on military service by (homosexual) men, bisexuals, and lesbians, instituted by the Clinton Administration.

As if that was not enough, in 2016 the Obama Administration’s brought an end to the military’s longstanding ban on openly transgender service members. This move further weakened the military. The military was also required to provide so-called transitional therapy and/or surgery to transgender individuals.

President Trump in 2019 reinstituted a ban on transgenders in the military.


Aiding the Enemies Military

Democrat Administrations have helped build up the militaries or resources to do so of  China, Russia and Iran. Some components for our military equipment manufactured in China.



Voters have a choice of letting the military be the military and provide national security and readiness for any future necessity to defend the country from a foreign enemy. That would necessitate voting Republican – for President, Senate and House. This would assure that the goal of the military would be maintaining peace through strength.

Or voters can choose to have a weak military more interested in pushing social engineering while pursuing a goal of peace through appeasement, placating enemies, ignoring future threats. This would entail voting for Democrats – for President, Senate and House members.

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