Saturday, October 31, 2020

What Democrats Want, Day 3, Countdown to Oblivion? DEMOCRATIC AGENDA


THE meme below highlights the Democratic agenda – what they want to do - for the next four years and beyond should the 2020 General Election result in a Harris-Biden presidency, a Chuck Schumer-led Senate along with a Nancy Pelosi-led House. This would give the Democrats full control of both the executive and legislative branches of the federal government. And if you take the Democrats’ threats of court-packing of the Supreme Court, they could very well be in-charge of the entire government.



Elizabeth Johnston, the Activist Mommy, in a recent Facebook video outlined how a Biden/Harris Administration would endanger America, especially America’s children. She also identified some unsafe, even deadly policies we could expect if the Democrats are given full power.

She contrasted the Democrat agenda with what continuing another term for President Trump would mean in policy and in practice.


A vote for Biden (Harris) is a vote to

Ø  Defund the police who keep our communities safe

Ø  For domestic terrorists who riot and loot on the streets of America

Ø  Take away God-given Second Amendment right to protect ourselves and our families from those same rioters

Ø  Giving sex and drug traffickers a free ticket into our communities through open border

Ø  Continue the murder of unborn children (abortion)


By contrast a vote for President Trump is a vote for

Ø  Law and order, doing all he can to keep the police fully funded

Ø  Ending sex traffickers and locking up pedophiles

Ø  Continued defense of the unborn (Life)

Ø  Upholding our Second Amendment rights

Ø  Protection of religious freedom


A Time of Choosing

To keep children safe, as is the desire of nearly every conscientious parent, requires one to vote Republican, to re-elect President Donald Trump.  Anyone voting for Joe Biden (Kamala Harris) is voting to endanger the public citizenry, especially children born and unborn.

The choice for the voters in this election is a stark contrast. Voters will be choosing between two very different worldviews. On one hand, Biden (Harris) offer a mostly godless secularism and socialism. On the other hand, the Republicans represent mostly biblically sound principles with free enterprise capitalism.

You are voting for either freedom for the people (the Republicans) or you are voting for oppressive tyranny of the people (the Democrats.)

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