Monday, October 22, 2007

Huckabee Hurdles into Top Tier

David Brooks, New York Times writer, wrote and excellent article on Friday regarding Mike Huckabee and that was before Governor Huckabee won the Values Voter Summit, see related article below, on site straw poll Saturday afternoon and did very well in the Fox Presidency IV debate Sunday night. David Brooks, it turns out is a prophet.

He gives seven reasons why he sees Huckabee coming "From the Back of the Pack". His New York Times article starts out, "The first thing you notice about Mike Huckabee is that he has a Mayberry name and a Jim Nabors face. But it’s quickly clear that Huckabee is as good a campaigner as anybody running for president this year. And before too long it becomes easy to come up with reasons why he might have a realistic shot at winning the Republican nomination. . .

I paraphrase and summarize the Brooks' seven reasons:

1. GOP voters want someone fresh

2. Huckabee doesn't alienate factions as the so-called top tier candidates do

3. He is normal and likable

4. As an evangelical leader is not fighting mainstream America at every turn

5. Hucabee is most in touch with the white working class, the backbone of the GOP

6. Huckabee was a governor and is in touch with the common man more so than GOP elitists

7. He is a collaborative conservative

Although I do not completely agree with Brooks' assessment nor with Huckabee for that matter. He is not perfect. He does seem to be the best all around electable candidate that the GOP is currently offering.

1 comment:

  1. I don't care about whether or not a candidate is "electable". I will vote for the candidate that best represents my values (if there are any respectable candidates left at all by the time Ohioans get to vote), regardless of who has the best chance of winning in November '08. I will vote 3rd party if its candidate best represents what God says.

    Trust in the Lord and lean not unto your own understanding.
