Monday, October 22, 2007

Inside the Values Voters Summit

The following is a summary of my impressions of the Washington Briefing for Values Voters held on October 19 and 20 in Washington, D.C. I attended the Briefing.

Governor Mike Huckabee, the Making of a President


Washington, D.C., AGC - I was blessed to be one of the 2,600 participants in the Washington Briefing Values Voter Summit this past weekend. Last September 1,800 had attended the Briefing. All of the then 9 major Candidates made a presentation. Senator Sam Brownback, though he made a speech at the Summit, announced in Kansas that he was taking himself out of the running for the presidency. Brownback had been my early choice for president. The immigration issue hurt him.

I was able to see and hear, first hand, the candidates. Every major candidate of both major political parties had been invited. I was disappointed, though not surprised, that no Democrat Presidential candidate cared enough or dared enough to make a presentation, which tells me a lot about their values or lack of same. Representatives Duncan Hunter, Tom Tancredo and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee did the best in getting their message out. Tancredo was the most passionate, Hunter the most correct and Huckabee the most electable without compromising conservative and Christian principles. Over 50% of the persons actually attending the conference agreed that Huckabee is the best candidate to face a Clinton-Obama ticket next year. None of the so-called top tier candidates impressed me or changed my mind about my support for any of them.

Senator John McCain was very wrong on amnesty and teaming with the Dems to foil the filibuster against the President’s judicial appointments. These are unforgivable policy positions. Former NY Mayor, Rudy Giuliani unashamedly supports the slaughter of innocents (abortion) and will fail to protect and uphold marriage’s exclusiveness to that of one man and one woman. Governor Mitt Romney is a slick, unprincipled, finger in the wind, say whatever he needs, trying to seduce the conservative Values Voter. I am afraid he will use me as much or more than the current president did to gain power. Senator Fred Thompson seems disinterested and I question why he is even running. He seemed tired, bored and unrehearsed.

Listening to the 9 want-to-be presidential candidates was just a small part of the Washington Briefing. There were a large number of the media in attendance. I even was interviewed by a New York newspaper correspondent. The LA Times and the NY Times reporters were among those present. There were at least 8 radio stations and a couple dozen bloggers also present.

In fact, I attended two press conferences. One called to announce a united opposition to the Employment NonDiscrimination Act (ENDA), the law being discussed in the U.S. House which would allow the immoral, unnatural and unhealthy homosexual lifestyle to have special civil rights protection. Bishop Harry Jackson, a black Maryland minister along with several others voice opposition to this unnecessary and destructive law. It would institutionalize this deviant behavior and cause all kinds of confusion in our courts, churches and marketplace.

We heard a powerful message from a Jewish Rabbi reminding us that our early forefathers were quite familiar with the Hebrew language, the language of much of the Judeo-Christian Bible. Hebrew had been taught in schools and studied closely by the preachers of that day. We have so much in common with true Judaism.

We listened to speakers talk about culture building endeavors such as the production and distribution of movies portraying Christian and moral values. There was a panel of women discussing women and conservatism. We heard presentations on what the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) and their partner organizations are doing in the courts to stand up to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and other culture and American value corrupters. Attorneys and popular talk show hosts Dr. Mark Levin and Laura Ingraham presented a powerful case exhorting the assembly to continue to fight the battle for the culture and for American values.

There was also an interesting debate between theologian Richard Lamb, a Bible-believer and pretend-evangelical Jim Wallis, a believer in the social gospel. Most of Jim Wallis’ ideas were as out of place, repulsive and abhorrent to me as are Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s position on abortion and promotion of the homosexual agenda. A good variety of exhibitors were also on hand to present their work, such as Priests for Life, American Family Association, Faith2Action, Focus on the Family, and the American Civil Rights Union (ACRU).

All and all, the Washington Briefing for Values Voters was fast paced, intense and very informative. Conservative and Christian voters have a great deal to do the next twelve months to insure the right person sits in the White House beginning January 2009.

1 comment:

  1. Here is a great article, which I found on Laura Ingraham's website. It is titled, "The GOP’s Wide-Open Race."
