Monday, March 24, 2008

A Bumper Snicker for Dems

World Net Daily is selling the above bumper sticker. The message is powerful. All three share something in common, the three are terrorists. Osama Bin Laden is a foreign terrorist. Senators Hillary Diane Rodham-Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama I consider to be domestic terrorists. By advocating abortion, the homosexual agenda, continuing to prop up and to throw money at our failed educational system, trying to nationalize our medical industry, they are ripping the very fabric and foundation of America.

Senator John "Amnesty" McCain is really not very far behind these other two liberal Democrat candidates. He is a closet liberal. He does not have the best interest of America at heart either. Amnesty, McCain-Feingold, McCain-Kennedy No Child Left Behind and his gang of 14 compromise on judicial nominees disqualify him for the presidency as well.

Come November for whom do we vote? None of the three major candidate is acceptable. We need to see who will emerge as possible independents. If no acceptable independent come to light, then conservatives and Christians must focus their support and resources to help get many conservatives in the Congress to neutralize the bad affect that any of the three should they be elected.

Fellow AGC . . . blogger Matt is exploring some of the current third party candidates in his series posted on Thursdays (see his 3/13/08 article on Chuck Baldwin and 3/20/08 article on Libertarian. Michael Jingozian).

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