Saturday, March 29, 2008

Oprah Deals Spiritual Crack to the Masses

The divine Miss Winfrey? USAToday

Jeff Johnson reported on OneNewsNow on Thursday, 3/27/2008, that Warren Smith, author of Reinventing Jesus Christ: The New Gospel, says media icon Oprah Winfrey “has become a false prophet for a false Jesus.” Bill Keller goes even further in his 3/3/08 commentary, "Oprah is Selling Spiritual Crack and Leading Millions of Souls to Hell" he refers to Oprah as a "New Age Witch," "Rev. Oprah," and and has on a recent Fox TV show has called Oprah "the most dangerous woman in the world."

Ms. Winfrey apparently was raised as a Christian but became disenchanted when she heard her pastor declare that the God of the Bible was a jealous God. Johnson quoted Winfrey as saying to her TV audience, “And something about that didn't feel right in my spirit because I believe that God is love and that God is in all things. And, so, that's when the search for something more than doctrine started to stir within me." She sought enlightenment and apparently found it in the New Age Movement.

Author Warren Smith, on the other hand, speaks with some knowledge and authority; he came out of that same new age movement and became a true Christian, a follower of the one true God.


According to the Jeremiah (not Wright!) Project website, “New Age is not new ... it is a modern revival of ancient religious traditions, along with a potpourri of influences: Eastern mysticism, modern philosophy and psychology, science and science fiction, and the counterculture of the 50s and 60s.”

The Jeremiah Project website goes on to list and to explain the seven major teaching of the New Age which include:

1. Jesus was not and is not the only Christ, nor is he God.

2. "God" is impersonal, cosmic, a God of energy forces.
3. Man is himself God, for he consists of and is the creator of "the forces." Man already exercises the powers inherent in his divinity and needs only to awaken to this fact.
4. Man should seek and accept spiritual instruction and direction directly from the spirit world.
5. All religions and religious teachings lead to the same goal. All are equally of merit.
6. The "ancient wisdom" of Babylon, Egypt and Greece - not the Bible - is the basis of all truth.
7. Sin and evil do not exist. Peace and love are the ultimate realities.

Adherents to the New Age Movement such as Oprah Winfrey, Al Gore, and other high profile people influence the masses. Oprah has embraced the teaching of new age guru Marianne Williamson. In fact, Oprah has Williamson daily teaching A Course of Miracles on Oprah’s XM satellite radio channel.


Warren Smith points out that the false teachings of A Course in Miracles should be obvious to any Christian. Smith stated on a recent AFA Report radio show, "Here are some of the lessons: Lesson 29, 'God is in everything I see.' Lesson 186, 'The salvation of the world depends on me.' 253, 'My self is the ruler of the universe.' 337, 'My sinless-ness protects me from all harm,'" Smith said, quoting from the lessons. "This is the Bible upside-down."

Smith also criticized Oprah for the selection of Eckhart Tolle's new age book A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose as her book of the month. Smith revealed that Oprah along with Tolle is teaching this class. Because of this, Smith said, “She is a false prophet and part of it herself." As just a side note, I was listening to Sean Hannity, the self-proclaimed conservative talk show host, and he said he was reading the Tolle book. He was unwittingly praising Oprah and her “spirituality”. He said he did not find anything contrary to his “Christianity.” The infection of this false thinking and philosophy even deceives some conservatives. Though I do have many questions about how truly conservative Hannity is. He seems more Republican than conservative or Christian.

Johnson concludes his article by quoting Internet evangelist Bill Keller. Keller appearing on Fox News Channel's Cavuto Report, echoed Smith's warnings, calling Oprah the queen of the new age gurus. "These new age teachings are really sucking in millions of people to these false philosophies, these false theologies, and they're literally leading people to Hell," Keller said. "Oprah, whether she knows it or not, is really being a conduit to lead people to Hell."

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