Thursday, March 06, 2008

A "Convert to History"

I and the members of two or three Ron Paul meetup groups received the letter below from one of the organizers. I don't quite know how I'm going to respond to this yet (but I will Lord willing). I can think of a lot of things to say to him, but I want to choose my words carefully. It was quite a shock to read this from one our most fervent supporters. I am not going to include his name. I don’t care so much that he did not vote for Ron Paul, but I am more concerned with this man’s salvation. If anyone knows about the Catholic Catechism and why someone would believe such a thing, I would appreciate the help. I looked at some of the websites he included, but I still don't understand it.

Converting from Ron Paul to History


Dear everybody,

After a lot of prayer and thought, and hearing a good friend out about the real problem with our country, I've decided to stop my endorsement of Ron Paul as I believe he does not address the *necessity of the Social Kingship of Jesus Christ*, which is the most important issue. Ron Paul has made it clear he believes all religions are more or less good and praiseworthy (condemned by the Catholic Church as a teaching of the Freemasons) and that God has no rights to rule our lives. Yet history and Catholic faith, without which no one can be saved, tells me differently.

Though I know this will cause much anger and confusion on the behalf of many, this being right before our Ohio election, I argue that this is a "God-sized problem". By denying the rights of Jesus Christ who died for us we shall continue to be cursed for our pride and God will certainly not "bless America".

The main purpose of government is to facilitate the salvation of one's soul. Religious "liberty", putting all religions on the same level, and obscuring truth about how man is to save his soul, is not the answer. Instead, as the Catholic Church tells us, it is the *source* of every scourge we are under, from evil leaders, to an evil money system, to an economy lingering on bankruptcy, to the genocide of peoples under Judeo-Masonic rulers.

History has confirmed again and again, when the people welcome God's right and His rule through the (real) Catholic Church, peace and prosperity will return, as "Nothing is impossible with God" (Luke 1:37), and if "we seek the kingdom of God and His justice, all of these things shall be added unto us. (Matthew 6:33)"

I'm sure these quotes perplex many who know me, and many would say I'm not seeing the bigger picture, but to act otherwise would be pretending God does not exist, and that He does not have the power to change this all in one day. What I pray is that enough will realize this in time to work for the same peaceful Catholic society that was once established around the world so we can avoid the bloodshed to come. From the miracle of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ to the miracle of Fatima, it is easy to see that the Catholic Church is the only religion from Heaven and the only religion that can be true. What I want most is for my family, friends and fellow Americans to make it to Heaven, no matter what suffering we must endure before us, and regardless of what the final outcome may be.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us! (this video may challenge you, though the Dimond bros are not Catholic but Feenyites)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Well the problem is that the individual in question seems to have left the Catholic church for a splinter group, which believes that the Catholic church since the Vaican II council as become heretical(mainly due to changes in the mass, the ecumenical movement etc.).

    You won't find anything in the Catechism that deals with what he's saying.

    Prayer is the best thing IMO.
