As deeply committed to the homosexual agenda as Obama is as I described in “Barack Hussein Obama 'In Bed' with Homosexuals" a few days ago, this radical Marxist may even be even more committed to a woman’s “right” to wanton destroy human life living in her womb. He promised a Planned Parenthood audience that the first thing he said he would do is to do all in his power to pass the destructive heinous so called Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), which would essentially invalidate all limits on abortion. Watch the informative video and see Obama’s heart on this matter of baby-killing . . .
This video exposes the real Obama in regard to the issue of abortion. This man is as far left as a radical can get. . From the YouTube, “Kill and Destroy,” description”:
“Featuring an interview with Jill Stanek, "Kill and Destroy" explores Barack Hussein Obama's support of infanticide in Illinois, an alarming decision that was opposed by every Democrat and Republican in the U.S. Senate.
"What does it take to make a man a monster any more?" Illuminati Pictures president Molotov Mitchell recently wrote. "If Americans can watch this video and still support Barack Obama, then America is...beyond all hope."
This issue alone disqualifies the man from being considered for any office, let alone President. Mark carefully this man with an ambition heart-bent on furthering socialist and Marxist causes in this nation.
This guy is a real antichrist. Its not just that he is saying women should have a choice, but even allowing babies to be killed even after they are born. Someone could adopt these babies. The fact that he is opposed this shows that this is not about freedom of choice, but he has a sinister agenda. There are certain things which are harmful that I am not in favor of banning (like alcohol), but I am not going to go to a Jack Daniels factory and say to them, "I am going to fight for your right to make drunkards out of people." This man is sick!