Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Hypocritical Hillary Debases Marriage, Part 2

This is part 2 of a two-part article (see part 1) about Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s recent speech to the homosexual-lesbian activist Human Rights Campaign (HRC) last Friday March 2. Sen. Clinton presented her commitment to vigorously support the following:

(1) Civil unions

(2) Domestic Partners Benefits and Obligations Act, which would provide benefits (health and life insurance, social security, etc.) for the “partners” of homosexual and unmarried heterosexual federal employees — equal to those of married employees;

(3) Homosexual or lesbian adoption rights

(4) Expansion of federal hate crimes legislation to include
sexual orientation and gender identity

(5) ENDA (Employment Non-Discrimination Act), adding ”sexual orientation” to federal discrimination laws for corporations. She said, “We want to finally pass ENDA to end discrimination in the workplace, public accommodations and elsewhere . . .”

(6) Repeal of the ban on homosexuals in the military She said, “We will also work to end the failed policy of don’t ask, don’t tell . . ."

She went on in her speech to the same-sex activist group to quote one of the liberal Supreme Court justices, “As Justice Kennedy so eloquently wrote in Lawrence v. Texas [which arbitrarily overturned the centuries old sodomy law], those who drafted the due-process clause of the 5th and 14th amendment knew that times can blind us to certain truths and later generations can see that laws once thought necessary proper in fact serve only to oppress. As the constitution endures persons in every generation can evoke its principles in their own search for greater freedom.

“That is the fundamental principle that is American. It is what drives our commitment to stand up for those who are not in this room. Those who don’t have a voice . . . For 25 years you (the HRC) have been their voice and I am PROUD to be on your side.

“I want you to know just as you always have can open door to my senate office. You WILL ALWAYS HAVE AN OPEN DOOR TO THE WHITE HOUSE. And together we will continue OUR STRUGGLE against hatred and our stand for equality. Together we can continue this journey that America has been on since the very beginning, to form a more perfect unition and to realize the DEEPLY HELD VALUES we share.

“I believe together we can renew the promise of America and restore our leadership around the world. We will never finish, but we can continue to make PROGRESS together. God bless you . . . “

What really stands out to me is Hillary’s wholehearted unequivocal endorsement, commitment and partnership with the homosexual-lesbian activists on one hand, a “sister in solidarity” with the same-sex crowd. They are not really so strange bedfellows. Yet, seemingly simultaneously, she unabashedly panders to the black church voter within just a few days apart calling herself a “sister in worship.”

Which God are you worshipping Senator, the god of this world or Almighty God, Himself? By your actions and behavior it is clear to me that you do not worship the Everlasting God of the universe. Most true Christians black or white are diametrically opposed, as is the one true God, to all homosexual and lesbian behavior as well as the shedding of innocent blood (abortion). "Sister" Senator wants to have it both ways, so to speak Whose sister are you really Senator?

God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Make A Good Choice and seek out a truly humble God-honoring Presidential candidate in ’08.

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