Saturday, March 03, 2007

The "Ramos and Compean" Protest Song

Ramos and Compean are those two border agents that fellow blogger, Matt, wrote about recently. From the information that I have read and heard, it sure seems like the government went out of its way to prosecute these two. Were they made examples for the other border guards to not be overly diligent in protecting the border? Now we would not want to make the Mexican government or its elite upset with us would we? Why are the National Guards' hands tied and limited to a backup role?

The illegal alien invasion and loose border security have been on-going problems. I wrote an article before the '06 elections offering several solutions to this growing and gnawing problem. We must never approve of any amnesty or temporary or guest worker program until the borders are secure and we consistently enforce our immigration laws for both the law breaking employers and the illegals.

Inspired by this true story of the two border patrol agents, Michael Britton wrote and performs a protest song about them, see the lyrics below. Read the WorldNetDaily article and hear the song performed by its writer in the link the article provides. You can also visit the song writer's website for additional news and information about the two men.
Several sound bites were included with the song. In one a U.S. Representative is quoted as having said, "It is outrageous and unacceptable that our government is prosecuting U.S. law enforcement officials at the request of the Mexican government." Jerome Corsi on the song says, "The request came through the Mexican Consulate demanding an investigation." I think that there needs to be a complete Congressional investigation of this entire incident. The complete story needs to come out in the open. Heads should role if there were any wrongdoing on the part of the government.
In another WorldNetDaily article released just today the Federal government is recommending that a deputy sheriff in Texas be sentenced to 7 years in jail for violating the civil rights of another fleeing illegal alien. The same U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, who also led the high-profile prosecution of former Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, was the prosecutor in this case as well. I guess I know why we do not hear about the brave things these border agents and front line deputies are doing. It is the same reason we do not hear much about the positive things we are doing in Iraq. There is a liberal bias in the main stream media, apparently success against real and potential terrorism is not in its playbook.

Ramos and Compean
by Michael Britton

Ramos And Compean
Heroes And Brothers We Defend You
The Evil Done To Your Souls And Sacrifice
How Could We Ever Forget You

Vigilance For Which We Pray
Dominitus Deo
We Fight To The End And We All Stand Strong
With Ramos And Compean
Ramos And Compean

Ramos And Compean
Facing Danger In The Hot Sun
Never Knowing If The Ones You Caught Tonight
Will Cut You Down Or Kill You With A Gun

So All They Give You Is A Cell
And Living Hell For Your Family
We Americans Promise You And Swear By God
To Put An End To This Insanity; This Travesty

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Mullah Cimoc say this war for teach ameriki man fear god, learn how to fighting for family and ummah, stop wicked.

    ameriki now just big sex pill partying and buy the refrigerator while aztec and maya take over all.

    this natural, this evolution, life too easy making the people so wicked, loving the torutre but hating the god.

    ameriki been humbled and probably more worse for coming as ameriki man become the homosexual. him cannot fight. and the woman becoming the slut accepitng the body of every man. this so wicked.
