Monday, July 09, 2007

Ohio Human Cloning Ban


Ohio State Senator Steve Buehrer last Thursday introduced SUB SB 174 – the Ohio Human Cloning Ban.

SUB SB 174 is a bill that would amend section 3701.99 and to enact section 3701.94 of the Revised Code to prohibit human cloning in the state of Ohio.


Cloning is short for Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT). SCNT is a three-step process. First, an unfertilized egg is taken from a woman and its nucleus is removed. Next, genetic material (DNA) from the patient is placed inside the vacated egg. Chemicals are then added and a spark of electricity jolts the cell into dividing and growing into a cloned human embryo. Ten years ago this technique gave us “Dolly,” the first cloned sheep.

Many politicians support “therapeutic cloning” done for research. However, they oppose cloning done “to produce babies.” There is no difference in the cloning. The cloning taken place in either case is the same (somatic cell nuclear transfer). All cloning reproduces a human being at the embryonic stage. Therefore, all cloning is reproductive cloning. The difference is not in the cloning. The difference is in the fate of the human being just created. This fact is easily disguised for a gullible public. Please don’t allow yourselves to be fooled.

Much like embryonic stem cell research, there is controversy over “therapeutic” versus “reproductive” cloning. One website, which I looked at and with which I disagree, considers it a myth to believe that cloning is all the same. Both involve the creation of a human embryo. I believe that like embryonic stem cell research all cloning should be banned and not funded in any way by taxpayer dollars. Anytime you sacrifice one life for another for whatever purpose it is wrong.


The pro-death forces in Ohio have been emboldened by there recent political gains in statewide offices in Ohio. However, we must not let have advance there anti-life cause.

Please support SUB SB 174
SUB SB 174 sponsored by Sen. Steve Buehrer.

· Contact your Ohio State Senator by going to or phone (800) 282-0253. Tell them to support SUB SB 174 – the Ohio Human Cloning Ban.

Sign the Petition to Ban on Human Cloning in Ohio (Ohio residents only)

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