Monday, April 21, 2008


The following are three excerpts from L. Brent Bozell III’s opinion article on YahooNews, Ben Stein vs. Sputtering Atheists.” Mr. Bozell is the President Media Research Center. NewsBusters, which we often quote here, is one of the projects of the Media Research Center.

“…Ben Stein's extraordinary presentation documents how the worlds of science and academia not only crush debate on the origins of life, but also crush the careers of professors who dare to question the Darwinian hypothesis of evolution and natural selection. . . .

“It's understood that God had nothing to do with the origins of life on Earth. What, then, is the alternate explanation? Stein asks these experts, and their very serious answers are priceless.

>>> One theorizes that life began somehow ON THE BACKS OF CRYSTALS.

>>> Another states electric sparks FROM A LIGHTNING STORM CREATED ORGANIC MATTER (out of nothing).

>>> Another declares that life was BROUGHT TO EARTH BY ALIENS. Anything but God. . .

“Everyone should take the opportunity to see "Expelled" — if nothing else, as a bracing antidote to the atheism-friendly culture of PC liberalism. But it's far more than that. It's a spotlight on the arrogance of this movement and its leaders, a spotlight on the choking intolerance of academia, and a spotlight on the ignorance of so many who say so much, yet know so very little."

1 comment:

  1. I liked this movie very much. Particularly the main theme which was to expose the fact that those who would question naturalistic evolution or even mention Intelligent Degign in a publication could be fired from their academic postion. I am a research scientist, and I would have to say I have never felt in pressure to compromise my beliefs as of yet, but I am only a research assistant and not a prof., and our area of research the question of origins of species rarely comes up.
