Friday, April 11, 2008

Speaking in America: Make it English-Only

We are!

Why do Americans have
to press 1 for English
to call their government?
Why do we have to pay for interpreters for those
who refuse to learn English?

That's what Executive Order 13166 requires - at
a cost of $billions to taxpayers.

Help us repeal it!

Click HERE to take action!

ProEnglish is the nation's leading
advocate of official English.
We're non-profit and non-partisan.

According to ProEnglish, "U.S. Senator Elizabeth Dole (R-NC) is trying to do something about it.

"She has introduced a bill, S. 2719, to repeal Presidential Executive Order 13166, which forces government offices and federal contractors to provide services in multiple languages.

"The order – which was never debated or approved by Congress -- is an attempt by government bureaucrats to force multilingualism on the American people without their consent.

"The Office of Management and Budget estimates it already costs taxpayers billions of dollars annually. When fully implemented, the cost will be astronomical.

'For example doctors and hospitals participating in Medicare face government prosecution if they fail to provide interpreters for non-English speaking patients free of charge. The order also covers state and local government agencies.

"The American people or their elected representatives never voted to transform the United States into a multicultural ‘Tower of Babel.’"


  1. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Obviously nobody wants illegal immigrants. But whatever happened to, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses"? Unless you are a Native American Indian, then you or your ancestors is an immigrant. You wouldn't be here today if America did not allow immigration as it does.

    This country was formed on the backs of immigrants. And just because you don't speak Spanish, French, German, or Chinese, doesn't mean they don't deserve the same opportunities your ancestors did when they immigrated here. When my family came over from Denmark, they didn't speak any English. But after time they did.

  2. This is just another examples of King George forcing his will on the American people--far outside the Constitutional limits of his authority. Even if Dole's bill passes, Bush will probably sign it into law and then issue another Executive Order or nullify it with a signing statement. It is the right and duty of every American to demand that their congressmen and senators start impeach proccedings.

    Click here.
