charlatan, current liar
regarding global warming
Dr. Phil Jones,
former CRU Director,
fraudulent scientist
Dr. Michael Mann,
Penn State University
being investigated
shyster scientist
Here are a couple of key questions from a couple of on-line surveys I recently took one for PJTV on Climate Change and the other for a group of green 'evangelicals'.
PJTV Asked:
Do scientists agree on global warming or is there significant disagreement within the scientific community?
___ Most scientists agree on global warming
___ Most scientists agree on global warming
_X_ There is significant disagreement within the scientific community
___ Not sure
How strongly do you agree with the following statement: Al Gore's Oscar for the film, "An Inconvenient Truth," and his Nobel Peace Prize should be rescinded?
_X_ Agree Strongly
How strongly do you agree with the following statement: Al Gore's Oscar for the film, "An Inconvenient Truth," and his Nobel Peace Prize should be rescinded?
_X_ Agree Strongly
___ Agree Somewhat
___ Neutral
___ Disagree Somewhat
___ Disagree Strongly
Do you have any thoughts please tell us:
Al Gore should be stripped of his award. If possible he should be sued and made to apologize to America. Al Gore is a fraud, he should give back the Nobel Peace Prize. He has led a lot of people astray with his lies and misinformation.
Next, are a few question that were a part of another survey which I recently completed for an organization that calls itself Green Evangelicals (GEvangelicals). In my estimation it is a fake Christian group that apparently worships the creature more than the Creator in the pews along with environmental extremists.
Green 'Evangelicals' Asked:
Do you believe that global climate change is occurring?:
___ Yes
___ No
___ Undecided
Do you believe that global climate change is occurring?:
___ Yes
___ No
___ Undecided
My response to this trick question: It depends on how you define climate change. If you consider carbon dioxide as a pollutant or you consider global warming, or that climate change is significantly influenced by man the answer would be an emphatic NO.
My response to this trick question: It depends on how you define climate change. If you consider carbon dioxide as a pollutant or you consider global warming, or that climate change is significantly influenced by man the answer would be an emphatic NO.
Do you believe that pollution such as carbon dioxide is responsible for climate change?:
___ Yes
_X_ No
___ Undecided
Do you believe that we have a Biblical mandate to care for God's creation?:
___ Yes
___ No
___ Undecided
___ Yes
_X_ No
___ Undecided
Do you believe that we have a Biblical mandate to care for God's creation?:
___ Yes
___ No
___ Undecided
My response to this trick question: Care of creation is not the ultimate purpose of our lives, it is never more important than the Word of God, or the Souls of men (not a darter snail or some rain forrest at the expense on mankind!) God put the world here for man, not man for the world!
Do you support legislation that would mandate reductions in greenhouse gas emissions?:
___ Yes
_X_ No
___ Undecided
___ Yes
_X_ No
___ Undecided
You can tell a lot about an organization by what questions are asked and how the questions are asked. PJTV is a conservative organization with a proper view of the environment. While the so-called Green 'Evangelicals' side with extreme leftist environmentalists. The Green 'Evangelicals' have a prominent place on my 'enemies' list.