Monday, September 24, 2007

I, Too, Hate Hate Crimes, However . . .

First and foremost “Hate Crimes Laws” and employment laws (specifically the so-called “anti-discriminatory” Employment Non-Discrimination Acts (ENDA) protect the immoral behavior of a certain moneyed minority of Americans. Existing laws protect homosexuals and other Americans equally and sufficiently. These laws are unnecessary and unwarranted. In essence these laws are meant to condone and to protect misbehavior. Why create special protection for a group of people who only want to justify and codify their immoral, unhealthy, unnatural behavior?

Why on God’s green earth should a homosexual or lesbian or transgendered or transvestite individual be granted MORE protection than any innocent child or any vulnerable, frail elderly widow? "Hate Crimes Laws" are pure injustice and pure nonsense. Reporting of crimes against members of the homosexual community are exaggerated for political and for political correctness reasons and to advance a radical leftist, socialist agenda here in America.

The ultimate purpose of the homosexual agenda, besides justifying and blessing or sanctioning evil behavior, is to silence the true Church, the true Christians who dare to proclaim God’s inherent Word, found in the Judeo-Christian Bible. After all the Bible teaches the truth that homosexuality, like adultery or fornication or theft or murder is wrong and violates God’s precepts.

Like the statistics feminists and abortionists used to “sell” abortion to the courts, homosexuals use misleading, false and deceitful statistics to support their cause. Homosexuals and the supportive leftist mainstream media have been known to conspire in fabricating and publicizing crimes as hate crimes (like the Matthew Shepard case after which the hate crimes law is even named)!


I classify these hate crime and other pro-homosexual special protection laws like ENDA as being destructive to American values and principles as Amnesty for illegal aliens, or funding for Planned Parenthood, or Every Child Left Behind legislation.

Contact your U.S. congressional representatives and Senators and urge them to reject all so-called hate crimes, pro-homosexual special protection (ENDA) legislation.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:31 PM

    So, even here I could be censored according to what I just read. Well then, okay and here goes anyway:

    1) Hate and violence are immoral. If you don't see it, it either means that it isn't happening to you, or that you're closing your eyes. 2)Churches are already protected under US hate crime laws. Is that considered "special protections"
    3) If queer identified folks felt protected under the current laws, they wouldn't be spending millions in dollars and volunteer hours trying to get protection.

    My friend had her face smashed in by a beer bottle from a stranger while she was walking down the street with another girl. The guy called her a dyke and ran away after rendering her face unrecognizable.
    I was chased down a dark ally after some guy called me a f*ggot and demanded I provide sexual service. I am not even gay!
    Two guys who have known each other their whole lives stepped out of a bar and hugged. They were not gay, they were friends and getting ready to go home to their families. A truck stopped, people jumped out and beat those two men into critical condition.

    This isn't about just Queer identified folks. When a space isn't safe for one group, it isn't safe for any group. We all become suspect populations.

    Under hate crime laws, those two heterosexual men could have charged their attackers with attacking them under the assumption that the two had been gay. These hate crime laws protect people, queer or not against violence and prejudice perpetuated by homophobia.

    If homosexual sex is immoral in your church, then don't have homosexual sex. Don't like same sex legal unions, don't have a same sex legal union.

    You do not speak for all Christians, nor all interpretations of the Judeo Christian Bible.
