Saturday, September 15, 2007

Who Really Betrays US?

“Democrats claim Gen. David Petraeus' report to Congress on the surge was a put-up job with a pre-ordained conclusion. As if their response wasn't . . .” --- Ann Coulter, 9/12/07

from's New York Times Full-Page Ad

There is such a defeatist attitude amount the Democrat Party leadership both inside and outside of Congress. Unfortunately the party has been infiltrated and completely hijacked by radical leftists starting with Howard Dean and backed and highly influenced by anti-Americans such as financier George Soros.

These leftists seemingly want America to be defeated and do not want President Bush to make any progress in the war on terror because it would “harm” their political aspirations of gaining absolute control of this nation as they have the Democrat Party. These power hungry socialists thrive on power and desire it above all else and care little or nothing about preserving the America of our forefathers. They are willing to pay any price for gaining and retaining power.

It matters nothing for these radicals to ridicule and destroy men of character and integrity such as General Petraeus if it advances their cause. Their cause is more important than defeating terrorists or any other enemy of the United States.


  1. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Keith Sprankle Condemns Ad about General Petraeus:

    Presidential Candidate Keith Sprankle issued the following statement today regarding the recent advertisement by about Gen. Petraeus in the New York Times:

    “In an attempt to skew the rational thinking of unsuspecting Americans the left-wing organization,, has approached new lows in their play upon words and opinions to sway the emotional reaction of our Nation.” General David Petraeus is a highly decorated soldier who has dedicated his entire life to the service of our Nation. The actions of leftist organizations, like, attempting to demoralize both the American public and our brave fighting men and women who are serving at this very moment under the direction of General Petraeus are paramount to treason. This is not what is meant by “freedom of speech” under our constitution, but rather this is the rhetoric which is used by leader in countries like Iran to control the thoughts of their citizens with regard to actions of honorable and trustworthy people.

    “The New York Times who published this ad should bear some responsibility along with their wealthy owners, Ochs-Sulzberger family, for this rude attempt to degrade our fighting soldiers who are giving their blood for the Times very freedom of speech. A public retraction and apology for the words, their action and their timing is completely in order here.”

    “The play on words is cleverly designed to convert the word ‘betray’ in one’s thought process to the word ‘traitor’ which is not used directly in the advertisement. In reality, this is a treasons attack on the American reader and American soldier.”

    “Free speech is a responsibility to be treasured and not to be abused as those who use free speech as a disguise to spread the disease of porn on the Internet. America is developing the same divisions we find today within the country of Iraq, the left and right, Republican and Democrat, Sunni and Shiite, religious and atheist, rich and poor, healthy and sick. One begins to wonder how we can unit another Nation such as Iraq for the sake of peace when we have the same roots of discord running amok within our own Nation.”

    “I completely agree with my fellow candidate for President, Former AR Governor Mike Huckabee, the need for everyone in this political race to take a firm stand on this issue and publicly condemn this uncalled for attack on our military, our leaders and again upon our Nation. This is especially true in a time of morning for those who unwillingly gave their lives for freedom on 9/11.”

    Keith Sprankle, Republican Presidential Candidate

  2. Thank you Keith for your conmments.

    Additionally, I recently heard that the NYT gave a significant discount on their add. Welcome band of leftist comrades!

  3. General Petaeus said that there were no Al Qaeda in Iraq before the war in 2005. When recently asked about whether our presence in Iraq is making us safer, he first dodged the question, and then said he didn't know.
